



John 20:21, Lk. 19:42, Lev. 26:26, Number 6:26, 25:12, 1 Kings 4:24, 1 Chro. 12:18, Psa. 29:11, 34:14, 37:11, 55:16, 72:7, 85:8, 199:165, 147:14, Prov. 16:17, Isa. 9:6-7. 26:3,1 Isa. 32:17, 48:22, 53:5, 54:10 & 13, 59:8, Jer. 8:15, 28:29, 7:11, 33:6, Nahum 2: 5-6, Matt 10:34, Mark 4:39, Lk 2:14, 10:5-6, 19:42, Act 10:36, Rom 2:10, 3:17, 5:1, 8:6, 14:17&19, Rom 15:13&33, 16:20, 1 Cor 14:33, Gal 5:22, Eph 2:14-15, 4:3, 6:15, Phil 14:7&9, Col 1:20, 3:15, 1 These 5:3, 13 &23, 2 These 3:16, 2 Tim 2:22, Heb 7:2, 12:14, 1 Pet 3:10-11, 2 Pet 3:14, Rev 6:4.

Peace is a most powerful ingredient, weapon and instrument to life. There is deep longing for peace in the deep recesses of man’s heart. Man wants peace of mind, family peace, national peace, international peace, peace with man, peace with God, peace in life and even financial peace. Every facet of life, every level of life and association require peace.

Is peace, all round peace, total peace possible? Yes, we say categorically and without fear of contradiction that there is a way into peace. The Lord says, “If thou hadst known, even thou, at least in this thy day, the things which belongs unto thy peace but now they are hid from thine eyes”. Hidden from the eyes of the world are the things which belong to their peace because they have eyes but they do not see, they have ears but they do not hear, they have mind but they cannot discern. This study with the theme “Total Peace” comes to help you into total peace. The Bible says, “If you are willing and obedient you will eat the fruit of the land”. Lk 19:42, Isa 1:19, Eze 12:2, Matt 13:15, Rom 11:3, Act 28:27.

Peace like a stream should flow to cool, calm, revive and strengthen the nerve of man. Note the following that, underscore the importance of peace.
·General greetings in Isreal is Shalom, meaning “Peace be unto you” John 20:21.

· When a man enters a house, he will say Peace unto this house. Lk 10:5-4

· When someone is leaving a person for a purpose, the person will say go in peace. “Go in peace” is commonly said by our Lord Jesus Christ.

· Letters are prefaced with greeting of peace. Paul again and again wrote “Peace be multiplied unto you” in the opening of his letters. Even heathen Kings open letters writing with greeting of peace. Lk 7:50, 3:48, Rom 1:7, 1 Cor 1:3, 2 Cor 1:2, Eph 1:2, Ezra 5:7, 7:12.

· Even to the storm Jesus said “Peace be still”. Mark 4:39.

These are written that you will not only know the way to peace but that you will enjoy a life of peace.
Peace is serenity of mind, spirit, soul, and body. It is quietness, confidence, poise, rest, composure and stability. Peace is the absence of worry, fear, anxiety, doubts, disturbance in the soulical and spirit man, oscillation and encumbrances with much care.
The eternal truth is that God wants you to have peace. He has also ordained peace for you. This study will enlighten you into the realm of peace.
The study focuses on the source of true and total peace and how you can make peace your portion. It also discusses family and financial peace, the absence of peace and before conclusion the study draws our attention to the serious issue of eternal peace. To ensure you enjoy peace after the study, prayer points for total peace experience are included.

1.0 PRINCE OF PEACE : Isa 9:6-07, 26:12, Eph 2:14-15, Lk 1:79, 2:13-14, 19:38, John 16:33, Isa 53:5, 1 Cor 14:33, Rom 15:33, 16:20, 3 These 5:23, Lev 26:6, Number 6:26, 25:12, 1 Chro 22:9, Isa 33:16, 65:8.

Jesus said “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. “Jn 14:27.

True peace, total peace, life peace, peace like a river comes from the author of peace, the prince of peace our saviour Jesus Christ.

The Bible says “For he is our peace…” Eph 2:14-15. At the birth of Jesus Christ the multitude of angels sang, “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace goodwill towards man” Luke 2:14 in other words the coming of Jesus ushered into the world peace.

The Bible clearly demonstrated that God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit is the source of total peace. God said, “I will give peace in the land” Lev 26:6, you cannot give what you do not have. The truth is that God is the total source of total peace. God said I give unto him covenant of peace. “God does give covenant of peace. Number 25:12.

Also the Bible spoke of the peace God gave Solomon on this note “And he had peace on all sides round about him” 1 King 4:24. It becomes clear that your first step into total peace is to step into God through Jesus Christ who said “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no man comes to the Father but by me”. John 14:6

Jesus the Prince of Peace is the way into peace. Without the way, there is no going, without the truth, there is no knowing, and without the life, there is no living. The author of peace is calling you to come and drink the water of life, peace and enjoy peace like a river. Jesus said, “Come to me, all you that labour and are heavy laden and I will give your rest”. Matt 11:28. Let us now explore making peace your portion.

2.0 MAKING PEACE YOUR PORTION : Psa 119:165, Deut 20:10-12, Eph 9:12, Deut 23:6, Psa 28:3, 120:6-7, Esther 10:3, Deut 2:26, Malachi 2:4-7, Pro 3:2&17, 16:7, Isa 26:3, Matt 10:13&34, Isa 52:7, Rom 8:6.

Start with Christ, continue with Christ and finish the journey and race of life with Christ then you will have testimonies of total peace in the total Lord. Notice the following that will enhance your total peace in Christ as you sojourn this earth.

1. Leave your life above sin. Let not sin reign in your mortal bodies to fulfil the lusts thereof. The Bible says “Mark the perfect man and behold the upright for the end of that man is peace”. Psa 37:37, See Rom 6:6,12&14, Matt 1:21.
2. Refuse carnality. Abstain from fleshly lusts, make no provision for the flesh. The Bible says “To be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Rom 3:6. The sure way into life and peace is to be spiritually minded, to focus on things above, to set your mind on things of God. Love not the world neither the things that are in the world, for if any man love the world the love of God is not in him. 1 Pet 2:11, Col 3:1-7, Rom 12:1-2, 14:13, 1 John 2:150-17.
3. Pray peace into your life, home, church, society and generation. Gen 28:21, Phil 4:6-7, Jer 29:7, 1 Tim 2:1-2, Psa 28:3, 122:6-8.

4. Stay humble, stay meek Psa 37:11.

5. Love the word of God. Psa 119:165, John1:8, Jer 15:16.

6. Seek peace, ensue it, chart the path of peace first in all circumstances. Deut 2:34&14, 20:10-12, 1 Pet 3:11, Esther 10:3, Pro 20:3.

7. Let your way please the Lord. The bible says “When a man’s way pleases the Lord, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him Prov 16:7.

8. Do not align with the wicked, so that you will not share in his lack of peace. Isa 48:22, 57:21 Deut 23:5-6, Ezra 9:12.

9. Speak peace and you will enjoy peace Esther 10:3, Deut 2:26, 1 Chro 12:18, Psa 25:20.

10. Wisdom increase and sustain peace Pro 3:2&17.

11. Let your mind stay in God, trust the Lord, have faith in God, let the faith of Christ work in you. Isa 26:3, Mark 11:22-24, Heb 11:6.

12. Proclaim the Gospel Isa 52:7. A Gospeller is a publisher of peace, a counsellor of peace who shall know joy. He is a peace maker who shall be blessed by God. Matt 5:9, Nahum 1:15.

13. Allow your children to be taught of the Lord and great shall be their peace and consequently your peace. Isa 54:13.

14. Confess and claim the promises of God on peace Isa 54:10.

You have the greatest chance in life to make peace your portion by a life surrendered to Christ with the above peace proclaiming counsel and steps.

3.0 FAMILY AND FINANCIAL PEACE : 11 Pet 1:3, Isa 54:13, Gen 41:29-44, Pro 21: 5&20, 21:17, 20:7, Psa 118:25, Eph 5:22-23, 1 Pet 3:1-7, Gen 3:16, Isa 48:17, 3 John 2.

Using biblical basis of family union, leadership and unity, each family should work under the leading of the Holy Spirit to build financial peace. Many homes are disrupted and dislocated on the alter of financial crisis.

By Holy Ghost wisdom, Egypt under Joseph’s management saved 20% in the year of plenteousness. That 20% became the food salvation of the world in seven years of famine. Save 20% of your income on sustained basis and invest the same in income producing investments like stocks, real estate, intellectual property etc.

The rule with money is “Know the difference between Assets and liabilities and buy assets”. It is not what you make that matters but what you keep, out of what you make, to keep working for your on 24/7 basis that makes you rich.

Notice the word of God
(i) “He that loves pleasures (Liabilities) shall be poor. He that loves wine and oil (Liabilities) shall not be rich” Pro 21:17.
(ii) “There is treasures (Assets) and oil (Assets) in the dwelling of the wise, but a foolish man spends it all” Pro 21:20
(iii) “The thought of the diligent tends only to plenteousness, but of everyone that is hasty only to want Pro 21:5.

Build your assets. If you do not stop the flow of waste in your financial life, you will be empty of financial peace as money always flows to the path of least resistance.

Work to build financial peace in your family so that the devil will not take advantage of you.

4.0 ABSENCE OF PEACE : 11 Cor 15:5, Isa 48:22, 57:8&21, Jer 8:11&15, 12:12, 14:19, 16:3, 23:17, 30:5, Lam 3:17, Eze 7:25, Zah 8:10, Rom 3:17, 1 These 5: 3, Rev 6:4.

There is permanent lack or absence of peace to the wicked (sinners, ungodly, unrighteous, hypocrites, liars, adulterers, fornicators, evil practitioners, carnal persons etc) “There is no peace, says the Lord to the wicked”. Isa 48:22. “To the sinner he (God) giveth travail” Eccl 2:26 (Elese Lafi Ise Fun) “Woe to the wicked, it shall be ill with him, for the reward of his hands shall be given him Isa 3:11. Psm 1:4-6.

Absence of peace is a serious matter. Hear this “And in those days there was no peace to him that went out, nor to him that comes in, but great vexation were upon all the inhabitants of the countries”. 11 Chro 15:5. Absence of peace makes men to forget prosperity. Lam 3:17. God owns the peace of the world that we take for granted. And so He has the power to remove peace from the world. Jer 16:5, Rev 64.

Resolve in your heart and life that you will not lack peace for there is no evil that absence of peace cannot bring. Link up powerfully to the Source of peace. And you will experience and enjoy ever flowing peace. Say no to absence of peace in Jesus Name.

5.0 PEACE FOREVER : Eze 37:26, Lk 2:29, Rom 14:17&19, Rev 21:1-8, 22:1-7, Matt 6:33-34, 16:26, Rom 8:6, Psa 16:11, 1 John 5:13.

Total peace, everlasting peace, peace before, during and after death are the portion of them that are Born Again whom God has destined for his kingdom 11 Pet 2:10-11, Lk 2:29, Gen 15:15.

“For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink, but righteousness, and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost” Rom 14:17. The kingdom of God is a place of unlimited peace. It will be double tragedy to miss peace in this world and in the world to come.

The Lord who planned this kingdom of amazing and unfathomable peace for us, told us to, “seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you” Matt 6:33, “For what is a man profited if he shall gain the whole world and loose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul” Matt 16:26.

The new kingdom is beyond human imagination and thoughts. In the new kingdom:
The tabernacle of God will be with man
God will dwell with his people
God will wipe away all tears
There shall be no more deaths
There shall be no more sorrow
There shall be no more crying
There shall be no more pain
Former things will pass away
God will make all things new
It is a specially prepared city
There will be no more curse.

He that overcomes will inherit all things Read Rev 21&22.

This place of peace forever is a place to be desired not only by all but specifically by you. Be part of them that are going to this place of peace and supper peace abundant. Position yourself to enjoy peace here and hereafter.

God bless you as you surrender yourself to Jesus Christ the Way, the Truth and the Life for ever flowing peace and peace eternally.


1. Praise God for the possibility of total peace here and supper abundant peace above.
2. Praise God for He is a covenant keeping God. Honour Him for he will keep His own to the end.
3. O Lord my God open my eyes and understanding unto things which belong to my peace in Jesus name Luke 19:42.
4. O Lord God who promised that I will not be put to shame, let peace flow like a river in my life.
5. Heavenly Father enable me to enjoy a life time of peace in Jesus name.
6. Thou Source of total and true peace, multiply peace upon me and my home in Jesus name.
7. Save me from destroyers of peace like sin, devil, adversaries, the world, the flesh and carnal mind.
8. Every power working against peace in my life and home be destroyed by the fire of God in Jesus name.
9. No weapon fashioned against me shall prosper in Jesus name.
10. Lord Jesus give me your peace, leave your peace with me and let me enjoy peace withersoever I go John 14:27.
11. Prince of Peace, let me daily enjoy peace in you in Jesus name.
12. O Lord grant my desire to share in the peace you release to the earth through Jesus Christ.
13. Solomon saw peace on all sides round about, my Lord and my God, let me have peace on all sides round about me. 1 King 4:24.
14. I enter into Jesus our peace.
15. Lord Jesus give me rest in my soul, spirit and body Matt 11:28.
16. My Father and my God let me have testimony of peace in my life continually in Jesus name.
17. I say no to every wind contrary to peace in my life in Jesus name.
18. I command every storm, peace be still in Jesus name.
19. Heavenly Father be the teacher of my children and let them enjoy great peace all the days of their life in Jesus name.
20. I claim the promise of God to give me peace in Jesus name. Isa 54:10
21. My God let my family and I enjoy financial peace in Jesus name.
22. Ordain peace for my life great and faithful God in Jesus name.
23. The discipline I need, the investment orientation I need, the thought of the diligent that I need to enter into financial peace release generously into my life O Lord God in Jesus name.
24. Give me to know by the wisdom of God the difference between asset and liability and let me build asset to phenomenal level in Jesus name.
25. Release your blessings upon the little I have and turn it to abundance in Jesus name. Pro 21:5, 17 & 20.
26. Enable me to stop the flow of wastages of asset and income in my life in Jesus name.
27. O Lord God send prosperity down into my life Psa 118:25.
28. O the living and true God remove not peace from my household in Jesus name.
29. Make everlasting peace my portion in Jesus name.
30. Fortify me O Lord to seek the kingdom of God first. Matt 6:33.
31. I will not loose my soul in Jesus name.
32. Minister abundant entrance unto me into the everlasting kingdom of thy Son Jesus Christ 11 Pet 1:11
33. Covenant keeping God thank you for hearing and answering me in Jesus name.

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