



Romans 8:28-39, James 1:2-16, 4:3-7, 1John 2:15-17, John17:14, 11Cor 11:22-33, Isaiah 30:15, Eccl 12:8, Heb 12:5-11, 1Cor 10:13, 1Cor 6:19-20, Psa 94:11-13, Psa119:11,71,97-100, 105, 1Peter 5:5-9, 11Cor 4:8-12, Heb 12:5-11, Rom 8:1-8, Job1:8-12, John 12:5-6, 13:2,27, 1Tim 4:4-8, Gal 5:16-26, 11Cor13:5, Eph 6:10-18, Job 23:10, 1Pet 4:1, John 15:1-16, 11Cor 12:6-10,1Tim 3:1-9, Josh 1:8-9, Gen 41:51, 47:9, Phil 4:6-8, Lk 18:1-8, 1Thess 5:16-18.


Life is full of challenges. It seems or even obvious that man is born for challenges. Every calling and every areas of life are full of challenges, Success and testimonies come from overcoming challenges. Challenges train and toughen our achievement muscle. Mega testimonies comes out of mega challenges and battles.

Ministerial life faces challenges, may be, more than any calling, but the joy there is that you do not face them alone. God is with you. Phi 4:13, Rom 8:37, 11Cor 2:14, 1Cor 6:19-20, 12:9, Gen 41:51, 1Cor 10:13.

Job said, “Man that is born of a woman is of few days and full of trouble.” Job 14:1. Life is full of challenges. Jacob said, “The days of the year of my pilgrimage are an hundred and thirty years; few and evil have the days of my life been, Gen 47:9”. Solomon reputed for wisdom, riches, largeness of heart said, “Vanities of vanities, says the preacher all is vanity” Eccl 12:8, 1:2,3,14,17; 2:11, 17,21, 22-23. (For all his days are sorrows- says the preacher” Eccl 2:22-23) Psa 94:11. On life challenges Jesus our Lord declared, “Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof” see Matt 6:34.

Life challenges are our teacher and trainer Without them we will be spoilt, unrestrained, useless and not meet for the Masters use and kingdom. We will not be prepared for every good work. Absolutely, challenges will work for our life and ministry. Rom 8:28, Hebrew 12:5-11, Psa 94:12-13.

As life challenges are certain, so also help from the sanctuary. God’s way out, God’s grace and strength are abundantly available. Psa 20:1-4, Jer 15:20-21, 1Cor 10:13.

Our message is titled, “Ministerial Challenges and How to Overcome Them.” We shall take a general look on the Challenges. Then explore the Causes, Purposes and Cures of challenges before drawing our conclusions on the theme. In this submission we rely largely on the unfailing, timely, timeless and sure word of God, which is our wisdom, our comfort, and that which is able to build us up and to give us inheritance among all them that are sanctified. Acts 20:23, Psa 119:93-100, 105, Josh 1:8, Jer 15:16.


11Cor 11:12-33, 1Pet 5:5-9, Matt 6:25-34, 1Cor 9:22-27, Acts 14:23.

White is not the absence of colour but the combination of all colours. Challenges are as many as the spectrum of colours of rainbow. It is not out of place to describe ministerial life as rainbow coalition.

Challenges mean the difficulties, necessities, afflictions, fears, arrows, intimidations, despair, persecutions, pains, evils, contrary minds, disappointments, losses, thorns in the flesh, inadequacies, problems, and even tears raising their ugly head in myriads dimensions against men. Matt 6:34, 11Cor 12:10, Job 14:1, 11Cor 11:22-33, 1Cor 4:9-13, 9:22,27, 11Cor 4:8-12, 17-18, Acts 14:23.

Let it be clear to everyone, both giants and dwarfs experience challenges. The mighty and low face challenges. The greatest of ministers and ministries are facing challenges. It seems the higher the level the higher the challenges. In order words challenges are common denominator in ministerial calling and works at wherever location you find yourself. 1Cor 10:13, 1Pet 5:9.

There is no single area of life where minister does not face challenges. These are:
v Spiritual/ spirituality challenges.
v Family challenges.
v Financial challenges.
v Health challenges.
v Internal/ external challenges.
v Domestic challenges.
v Educational background challenges.
v Acceptance/ rejection challenges.
v Church growth challenges.
v Loyalty/ disloyalty challenges.
v Appreciation/ ingratitude challenges.
v Organizational challenges.
v Full time/ part time challenges.
v Choices related challenges.
v Pressures within and outside challenges.
v Doubts/ discouragement challenges.
v Uncertainty on God’s will challenges.
v Ungodliness and sin challenges.
v Temptation challenges.
v Faithfulness in all matters challenges.
v 419 challenges.
v Necessities, persecutions, afflictions challenges.
v Knowledge challenges.
v Performance, success and result challenges.
v Relationships (even with opposite sex) challenges.
v Fears within and without challenges.
v Worldly, worldliness, carnality and interpersonal challenges.

Graciously the Bible did not leave us in the dark on all these challenges and more.


James 1:13-16, John 15:2, Heb 12:5-11, Psa 94:11-13, John 9:1-2, Job1:8-12, James 4:1-4, 1Pet 8-10, Rom 8:5-8, 1Tim 4:6-7.
“But every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust and enticed. Then when lust has conceived it brings forth sin and sin when it is finished brings forth death.” James 1:14-15.

4.1 Lusts, vanities, vain glory, carnal demands, hidden habits, worldliness draw many ministers into avoidable challenges.

Many of man’s problem has to do with the flesh. For the brethren who had read a book titled, “God’s Generals” will recall the pathetic stories of men greatly and mightily used of God ending tragically in sin and unwholesomeness. Hence, today many become the enemies of themselves. Someone said, “If you look at the mirror you see a friend or an enemy”. Crucifying the flesh is strange to the church today. Walking in the spirit is deemphasized. Ignored is the warning “let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another” Gal 5:26. Identify the cause of what you call challenges. 11Cor 13:5.

4.2 God’s chastening: “But if you be without chastisement whereof all are partakers, then are you bastards and not sons.” Heb 12:8, Psa 94:12-13. (note David and Jonah experience.) Hence chastening come as challenges.

4.3 God’s pruning to bear more fruit. The more pruning that is done to the vine the more fruitful is the vine. Pruning does not mean you are sinning but that you will move to next level. God the vine bearer may have to prune you or cut part of your life that drains your time, strength, resources and energy so that you can move to next level of fruitfulness. Consider Joseph, would he had fulfilled his mission if he remained with his father? Consider Moses Midianite experience for 40 years. Consider Jacob in Padan Haran for 20 years. God may not be in hurry when it comes to pruning.

4.4 Challenges to God’s glory. Jesus answered: “Neither has this man sinned nor his parents but that the work of God should be manifested in him” John 9:2. In order words challenges do come so that the name of God shall be glorified and testimonies of bad wagon effect spring forth.

4.5 The devil at work in human history. The Bible says “Be sober, be vigilant because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour.” 1Pet 5:8. The devil works 24/7 releasing problems, troubles, afflictions, confusion…he comes not but to steal, kill and destroy. He is a liar and father of it. He is an expert in substility and wiles. He has been at it thousands of years ago. Rev 12:12, John 10:10, 11Cor 2:11, Eph 6:12-13.


1Peter 4:1, James 1:1-4, Psa 94:12-13, Heb 12:10-11, John 15:1-3, James 1:12, Job 23:10, Rom 8:28, Psa 119:71, 11Cor 12:7.

Every challenges has purpose. When the disciples were scattered as a result of persecution, it turns out as a means of hasten gospel globalisation. Jesus said, “Know this that the trying of your faith works patience.” Read James 1:1-4. Peter said, “He that has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin.” 1Pet 4:1. David said, “Blessed is the man whom you chasten… that you may give him rest from the days of adversary…” Psa 94:11-13. God’s chastening produce holiness, Heb 12:10-11 God’s pruning/ purging makes us to bear more fruit. John 15:2.

Job said, “When he has tried me I will come forth as gold” Job 23:10
David said, “It is good that I was afflicted” see Psa119:71.
Paul said, “Less I should be exalted above measure…there was given to me a thorn in the flesh the messenger of Satan to buffet me …11Cor 12:7.

Paul wrote, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them that are called according to His purpose” Roman 8:28.

The purpose of challenges are profound they are all part of strategy to enable us fulfil God’s purpose in our life and be rewarded fully for our labour have and in eternity. Ruth 2:12, 11Peter 1:11, Luke 19:17, James 1:12, 11Tim 4:6-8.


James 4:4-7, 1Peter 5:5-9, 1John 2:15-17, 11Cor 13:5, James 1:1-4, John 15:3, Phil 2:5-11, 3:13-14, 4:6, 11-13, Rom 13:14, Gal 5:16-18, 24-26, James 4:4-7, Eph 6:10-18, Rev 2:5, Gal 2:20.

To cure or deal victoriously with challenges you have to go to the root. When the root is uprooted the problem is permanently solved. The mistake many make is to trim the branches of the tree of the challenges. This give room for continued growth of the challenges. Deal with the root.

Examine yourself. An unexamined life is a life heading for trouble. Find out the cause of your problem and deal with the root cause. 11Cor 13:10.

Deploy against your problem and challenge the weapon of our warfare. 11Cor 10:4.
Put on in the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh Rom 13:14. Put on the whole armour of God, Eph6:10-18.
Love not the world neither the things of the world. Did not the Bible tells us that friendliness with the world is enemity with God? 1John 2:15-17, Jam 4:4. Forget those things behind and press forward, Phil 3:13-14.

Seek to be led by the Spirit, walk in the Spirit, live by the Spirit. Be filled with the Spirit. Gal 5:16-18, 24-26.

Resist the devil steadfastly, give no room to the devil but stand. Should we posit that the (devil) is the least of the problem? James 4:7, 1Peter 5:8-9, Eph 4:27, 11Cor2:11.

Be crucified to the world and let the world be crucified to you. Gal2:20, 5:24.

Stay in the WORD. Live the WORD. Be deeply rooted in the WORD. Believe the WORD. Confess the word. Study the WORD. Memorize the word. Pray in the WORD. Read the WORD again and again. Is it not the WORD our Lord Jesus Christ use to defeat the devil? Josh 1:8-9, Rom10:17, Psa1:1-3, 119:9,11,105.

Pray without ceasing. Have no anxiety about anything but by prayer and supplication make your request known to God… read Phil4:6-8, 1Thess5:17, Lu18:1.

Learn to make the following affirmation again and again to the glory of God and to your victory.
· I know all things will work for my good. Rom8:28.
· I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phil4:13
· I will triumph. 11Cor2:14
· I am more than conqueror through Christ. Rom8:37
· Nothing shall separate me from the love of Christ. Rom8:35-39.


Challenges are normal experiences and development in the ministerial life. They serve as balances and checks in the journey of life and service. They build our achievement muscle and keeps us on. Challenges can only do you good at the end. Be assured and not leave His faithful children above to face challenges. He is always there. Challenges will not swallow you, it did not swallow others. It is that your testimony will be complete.


1. Faithful God I am grateful for exposing me to challenges in ministerial life and how to overcome them. All these will go to make me a better Christian. To you be al the glory.
2. I am grateful that I am not alone, you are always there for me. Heb 13:5.6
3. I give you all the glory for I know challenges will make me and not break me. All things will work for my good. Rom 8:28
4. My challenges will be a stepping stone to higher ground in Jesus name. James 1:2-4
5. I break from my life every fear and intimidation that comes from challenges in Jesus name.
6. I proclaim over my life satan, there is no room for you in Jesus might name. Eph. 4: 27
7. I resist you satan in the name of Jesus and the only way open to you is to flee away from me in Jesus name
8. O Lord my God every lesson and training you want me to receive in challenges let me not miss in Jesus name.
9. I will not be my own enemy in Jesus name.
10. I am in the world I am not of the world. Heavenly Father remove the love of the world from my heart in Jesus name.
11. I sever my life from vanities of this world in Jesus name.
12. God said, “In quietness and in confidence shall be my strength. I refuse and outlaw panic, worry, anxiety in the midst of life challenges in Jesus name. Isa 30:15, Phil 14:6
13. I am thine O Lord. Keep me in constant and deep relationship with you in Jesus name. 1Cor 6:19-20
14. I put on the garment of humility in Jesus name. 1Pet 5:5, 11Cor 12:9
15. I am more than conqueror in Jesus name. Rom 8:37.
16. O God fortify me to seek the kingdom of God first in Jesus name. Matt. 6: 33
17. I put on the whole armour of God in Jesus name. Eph. 12- 13
18. I am crucified unto Christ
19. I am crucified to the world and the world is crucified unto me in Jesus name.
20. I will complete my course successfully in Jesus name.

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