

P. O.Box 984, Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria, West Africa.

Psa.104: 24, 136:5, Prov.1: 7, 8:1, 23:9, Prov.2: 7, 3:13, 4:5-9, 8:11, Gen.41: 39, Dan.5: 16, Prov.16: 16, Ecc.2: 13, 8:1, Ecc.9: 18, 10:10, Isa.10: 13, Jer.51: 15, Lk2: 40, Dan.1: 17, Micah 6: 9, Lk.21: 15, ICor.2: 24, Rom.1: 33, Col.2: 3, Deut.1, 13-15, IKing.3: 12, Rom.16: 19, Dan.12: 3, Matt.25: 2-13, Psa.119: 98, Prov.1-10, Luke 16: 8, Prov.23: 23, 21:30, Psa.90: 12, Ecc.7: 12.

The place of wisdom is unique. It is a mystery. The Holy Ghost said, “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. “ Prov.4: 7. Every bends and turns, even straight roads of life require wisdom to chart. The word of God says, “Wisdom is profitable to direct.” Ecc.10: 10.

“How much better is it to get wisdom than gold” Prov.16: 16. “For wisdom is better than rubies (money); and all things that may be desired are not to be compared with to it” Prov.8: 11. Wisdom herself says, “My fruit is better than gold, yea than fine gold and my revenue than choice silver” Prov. 8: 19. Everyday people labour to get money! However, do we labour to get wisdom? No wonder many lives are full of foolish deeds. No time devoted to seek wisdom devoted to guide in the path of life.

Wisdom brings happiness. Prov.3: 13. Wisdom distinguishes and brings commendation. So, it was with Joseph in Egypt and Daniel in Babylon, Wisdom distinguished them. Wisdom brings strength Ecc.7: 19. Wisdom makes a man’s face to shine and it procures boldness Ecc.8: 1. Wisdom brings supernatural abilities Prov.21: 22, 24:5. Wisdom promotes, brings to honour, it gives the head ornament of grace and a crown of glory Prov.4: 8-9. Indeed blessed is the man who delights in wisdom Prov.8: 34-35.

Wisdom made Solomon an unusually great king. No wonder he wrote on wisdom more than anyone in the Bible. To him wisdom is virtually everything. He said wisdom is stronger than weapons of war. His reign knew longer peace than several kings’ reigns. Wisdom is so great and important, that the Bible says, "God does all His deeds in wisdom". The world is established by God’s wisdom Jer.51:15. Our Lord Jesus Christ possesses the Spirit of wisdom. Isa.11: 2.

Wisdom herself crieth without! Why? Wisdom is desperate that men turn their attention to her! Prov.1:20-27. This study is a response to the cry of wisdom! It is to call your attention to turn to wisdom. We aim to make you sensitive to the cry of wisdom, to challenge you to get wisdom, to emphatically declare to you that wisdom is the principal thing. Jesus said, “Be wise as Serpent”. This study is divided into various subtopics to drive home our subject – Wisdom Is The Principal Thing. The Holy Ghost wants you to be full of wisdom.

1.0 WHAT IS WISDOM? Prov.8: 12, Ex.31: 3; Ex35: 31, Prov.24: 3-6, IIChr.1: 10-12, Prov.1: 7, Psa.111: 10, Ecc.2: 13.

Wisdom is knowledge and understanding rolled into one. Prudence is the practice of wisdom. Wisdom is the storehouse of creativity. For Bezaleel to create the first tabernacle for the church in the wilderness God has to fill him with wisdom by the Spirit of God. Wisdom is creativity in all realms of life. Ex..31:1-5, 35:30-33.

Wisdom is reasoning per excellence. It is light that banishes darkness. Ecc.2:13. Wisdom is thinking through with the fear of God and knowledge of the Holy. The opposite of wisdom is foolishness or stupidity. A wise man will not utter vain knowledge. Fools despise wisdom.

Wisdom is getting counsel. Wisdom is that which the word of God gives and that which the Holy Spirit teaches. Wisdom gives subtility to the simple, to the young man knowledge and discretion Prov.1:4. Wisdom is that which the fear of God furnishes. It is the beginning of Knowledge. Psa111:10, Prov.1:7. Wisdom makes knowledge pleasant to the soul. Prov.2:10. It is the wise that lay up knowledge Prov.10:14.

Christ is wisdom to us. This is the crowning meaning of wisdom. He is the wisdom of God ICor.1:24,30. On Christ rests the Spirit of wisdom. To have true wisdom, excelling wisdom, sound wisdom and wisdom unto salvation, yield fully, wholly and uncompromisingly to Christ. Abide in Christ and allow Him to abide in you. Only in Him can you be truly wise. He is the one that abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence Eph.1:8. In Christ are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge Col.2:3.

2.0 WHAT WISDOM BRINGS: Prov.21: 22, 24:5, Ecc.7: 19, Dan.12: 3, Prov.2: 10-16, Prov.3: 16.

God in his own wisdom makes wisdom a fountain of great good . Wisdom brings length of days, riches ands honour. It brings happiness. Prov3:13,16. Wisdom distinguishes. Wisdom brings commendation. Solomon was distinguished because of wisdom. Daniel , David and even our Lord Jesus Christ were all distinguished for wisdom. Prov.12: 8 Gen. 41:39, II Sam. 14:17-20, Dan.1: 4,4:12-14m Mark.6: 2.

Wisdom is a defence and it gives life Ecc.7:12 Wisdom brings supernatural strength and abilities Ecc.7:19 Prov. 21:22, 24:5-6 Ecc. 9:13-18 Wisdom delivers from the way of evil man and strange woman Prov. 2:10-16. Wisdom brings excelling shinning, that is comparable to brightness of the firmament Dan. 12: 3, Ecc. 8: 1. Wisdom brings rewards and brings expectation to manifestation Prov. 24:14. Wisdom stabilizes government Isaiah. 33:6

Wisdom is used to build a house Prov14: 1. Wisdom makes a man’s tongue a healing tongue Prov. 12: 18. It brings favor from the great. Prov. 14:35. Wisdom is truly the principal . To make good in life wisdom must be a top priority in your life and this is what you find in Christ.

3.0 WINNING SOUL IS WISDOM Prov11: 30, Isa52: 7, Rom10: 5, Lk19: 10, 5:10,
I Cor9: 22-27, Jude22-24,

The greatest investment that can be made is on soul. And the greatest investment on soul is to win that soul for Christ. Soul winning then becomes the greatest of the greatest investment. It is investment with heavenly results. No wonder the Holy Ghost declares, “He that winneth souls is wise”.

Soul winning is the greatest assignment; commission and profession the Lord gave his church. “Trade with this till I come” - Great Assignment. “Go ye into all the world” - Great Commission. “I will make you fishers of men” - Great Profession. Lk. 19: 12, Mk. 16: 15, Lk. 5: 10

The Lord Jesus said, “For the Son of man come to seek and save that which was lost” Lk. 19:10. Paul wrote, “ I am made all things unto all men, that I might by all means save some” I Cor. 19: 22

Jude describes winning soul as “Pulling out of fire” Jude. 23. Is it not wisdom to pull out of any fire – fire of life, fire of affliction, fire of hell? Winning soul is wisdom. Jesus shed his blood to save souls. God himself wish all men to be saved. I Tim. 2: 2. Wining soul will demonstrate that you are wise. . Be a soul winner. Win soul for Christ today and exercise wisdom of the Holy Spirit.

4.0 SPIRIT OF WISDOM Ex. 31: 2-5, 25: 30-33, Deut. 34: 9, Ex. 28: 3, Isa. 11: 2, I Cor. 12: 8, Eph. 1: 17.

There is the Spirit of wisdom. Upon our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is the Spirit of wisdom. God’s works and assignment require the Spirit of wisdom. Our Lord Jesus was filled with wisdom from cradle. Lk. 2: 40.

We need the Spirit of wisdom to do his work and to walk to please him who called us. When the first tabernacle was to be built in the wilderness, God has to release the Spirit of wisdom. Special assignments require the Spirit of wisdom Ex. 31: 3, 35: 31.

Joshua was the successor of Moses. He led Isrealite to the Promised Land. He divided the land beyond Jordan for the tribes of Israel. To accomplish this special assignment, God had to fill him with the Spirit of wisdom. Deut34: 9. This Spirit of wisdom came by the laying on of hands of Moses. Here we see impartation of wisdom coming by laying on of hands.

Ask for the Spirit of wisdom through Jesus Christ. This will enable you to do great exploits for God. Dan11: 32

5.0 THE CRY OF WISDOM. Prov. 1: 20-33, Psa. 90: 10, Prov. 17: 16, Prov. 23: 23, Col. 3: 16, Isa47: 10

Cry is to attract attention. When a baby cries, it attracts the attention of the mother. When an adult cries, then the attention of all is attracted. Wisdom is not only crying, but cries in chief place of concourse, that is, a place to make loud sound, great noise that could cause commotion or tumult. It is a sound of uproar. It is a sound of rage, indeed a disquieted cry.

Wisdom is not silent in his desperation for attraction. It goes to the opening of gates where diverse people gather, if they may hear her. That is in open place, streets, mobs, gates, and cites. Have you heard the cry of Wisdom? Wisdom cries that she may benefit man exceedingly. Prov. 1: 23

It is dangerous to ignore the cry of wisdom. Wisdom says, “Because I have called and ye refused, I have stretched out my hand and no man regarded. But ye have set at naught all my counsel and would not of my reprove. I will also laugh at your calamity, I will mock when your fear comes. When your fear comes as a desolation and your desolation comes as a whirlwind, when distress and anguish comes upon you”. Prov. 1: 24 – 27

No wonder the Bible says, “Fools despise wisdom” Prov23: 9. If you ignore the cry of wisdom, he will not be available when you need him. If you ignore the cry of wisdom, it means you hate knowledge and the fear of God is not in you. Prov. 1: 28 – 30. When you ignore the cry of wisdom, trouble is not far even death is lurking in the corner. No wonder the Bible says, "Apply your heart to wisdom". Psa. 90: 12.

But whosoever hearkeneth to the cry of wisdom shall dwell safely. He shall be quiet form the fear of evil. Ask the Holy Ghost to let you hear and listen to the cry of wisdom in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

6.0 GOD AND WISDOM. Job 36: 5, Psa. 104: 24, Psa. 136: 5, Rom. 11: 33, Ex. 31: 6, 35:35, 36:1 – 2, Job. 38: 36, I Kings 3:28, Prov. 2: 6, Ex. 2: 26, Prov. 2: 7, Prov. 3: 19, Isa. 29: 4, Jer. 51: 15, I Cor. 12: 8, Isa. 11: 2, Psa. 105: 22, Job. 38: 37
God is mighty in wisdom. “When one stops and consider the infinite details of creation and the plan of eternal sustenance of all things form the smallest atom to the largest creation. He is forced to exclaim, “Oh the depth and riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God, how unsearcheable are his judgments and his ways past finding out!” Rom. 11: 33.

In His wisdom, God made all His works. The earth is full of his riches Psa. 104: 24. God teaches wisdom, he giveth wisdom and he is the author of wisdom. Psa. 105: 22, Ex. 28: 3, 31:3,6, 35:31. Wisdom said, “The Lord possessed me in the beginning of His way, before His works of old.” Prov8: 22.

Wisdom is the principal thing. God and wisdom are inseparable.

Wisdom is the distinguishing mark between man and animals. Wisdom is great. O Lord God, God the Father, Son, Holy Spirit let me be full of wisdom in Jesus name. Amen

7.0 SOLOMON AND WISDOM: II Chron. 1:10-12, I King. 10:23-25, II Chron. 9:1-9,
1King. 11:41 1 Chron. 9:22-23, I King. 3: 28, 4: 29-34.
Solomon asked for wisdom and that request turned to be the greatest request from God anyone could ever ask.

He became an excelling and a gifted man.

He excelled in wisdom above all kings. He excelled the wisdom of Egypt which included geometry, medicine, astronomy, architecture, philosophy e.t.c

He excelled the wisdom of Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman, and Chalcol, and Darda, the sons of Mahol. 1 King. 4:31

He excelled in wisdom of all other nations I King. 3:12-13.

His wisdom produced 3000 proverbs and 1005 songs. He spoke of nature.

Men from all nations came to hear and to see him. 1 King.4: 34, 1 King. 10:1-9.

The queen of Sheba came to hear Solomon.

God gave Solomon riches, honour, wealth of exceeding dimension and it was wisdom that procured all these according to the Bible. Wisdom is truly the principal thing.

David, the father of Solomon prayed for him for wisdom. He prayed, “ Only the Lord give thee wisdom and understanding, and give thee charge concerning Israel, that thou mayest keep the law of the Lord thy God” 1 Chron. 22:12 (see verse 11-13).

Wisdom is the principal thing ask for wisdom. God will give you wisdom that excelleth Solomon’s wisdom through Jesus Christ. Daniel 1:5-8.

8.0 FOOLS DESPISE WISDOM: Pro. 15:21, 17:16, 1:7, 8:1, 23:9, Ecc. 2:13-14, 10:3 Pro. 11:29, 26:5

Fools despise wisdom! To be a fool is to be lax, careless, perverse, and silly with poor heart of mind. It means to be dense, stupid, manifesting impiety and irrelevance. It refers to vile and vulgar persons.

Cain despised wisdom and he became a vagabond and a wanderer. Gen 4:6-8. Hophin and Phinehas despised wisdom and died prematurely. 1 Sam 2: 12,25. Nabal despised wisdom and became a fool who died a fool. Rehoboam despised wisdom and lost 10 tribes of Israel. The Athenas despised wisdom and a number of them mised relationship with Christ the Lord of life. Act 17:15

Wisdom cries, yet fools will not hear. The fool shall be a servant of the wise in heart. Folly became joy to the fool. The fool has no heart for wisdom. Pro 11:29, 15:21, 17:16. It is better not to speak in the hear of fools for he will despise your wisdom says the Holy Spirit. Pro 23: 9

Wisdom excelleth folly as light excelleth darkness. Ecc. 2:13 Refuse to be a fool that despise wisdom. Pray that you will not despise wisdom.
Judas, Demas, Alexander the coppersmith, Jambres and Jannes, 11 Tim. 4:14, 3:5-8, were all fools that despised wisdom and the reaped the reward.
Wake up today to fetch wisdom. Wake up today to buy wisdom. Pray that you will never be a fool that despise wisdom. Use every opportunity to increase in wisdom. I will be wise in Jesus name.

9.0 BE WISE AS SERPENT. Matt. 10:16-42, Gen. 3:1-6, II Cor. 11:3, Rev. 12:9

The Lord Jesus said, “Behold I send you forth in the midst of wolves, be ye therefore wise as serpent and harmless as doves”

The world is full of wolves, even wolves in sheep’s skin!

Only wisdom, hard core wisdom, wisdoms that maneuver brightly and successfully, wisdom without harm or iniquity, will see us through. We are sheep in a world infested with wolves.

Be wise as serpent and harmless. Serpents never unduly, expose themselves to attack and doves never provoke hostility. Serpent is cunning and wise. However, serpent uses his wisdom in uncleaniness and iniquity. The call of God on his children is to be wise as serpent but be harmless as dove. Our wisdom should be performed in righteousness. Iniquity was found in the serpent. Ezek. 28:15

Be wise as serpent. Use wisdom to out maneuver your enemies, use wisdom to achieve, use wisdom to outshine your enemies. It must be wisdom without guile or harm. Wisdom that makes to escape and overcome wolves.

Wisdom is the principal thing. That wisdom is in Christ. Praise God.

10.0 HOW TO GET WISDOM: Psa. 111:10 James 1:5-8, Prov. 7:4-5, 1 Cor. 2:6-7,
Prov. 10:31, Job. 38:36, Ecc. 2:26, Prov. 15:33, 1:20-23, 4:7, Ecc. 8:16, 1:13, Prov. 23:23,
1 Cor. 1:30, Col. 4:5, Deut. 4:4-6, Prov. 10:19.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth forever. Psa. 111:10, Prov. 13:33. The first thing on the ladder of wisdom is the fear of God. Fear God to start in the school of wisdom. Evil deeds breed foolishness, but fear of God cuts of evil deeds.

Getting wisdom: (i) Fear God. (ii) Cleaving onto God and, doing is word. Keeping the word is our wisdom. Deut. 4:4-6 (iii) God is the giver of wisdom ask for wisdom from Him. James 1:5, Job 38: 36, Ecc.2: 26. (iv) Make wisdom your sister. Pro 7:4. (v) Let your mouth be mouth of the and you will pour forth wisdom. Pro. 10: 31. (vi) Buy wisdom Pro. 23: 23. (vii) Diligently, seek just for wisdom. Ecc. 11: 13, 8:16. (viii) Walk in wisdom Co. l4: 5. (ix) God has made Christ wisdom for us. Get into Christ to get wisdom.
1Cor. 1:30

11.0 QUALIFICATIONS OF WISDOM: Dan 5:14, Prov 3:21, 4:1, 5:1, James 3:13-18,
Isa. 47:10, Lk. 21:15.

Wisdom is a powerful word. The Bible gave wisdom various adjectives. Let us look at some of them, in other words wisdom has higher qualification that gives it deeper meaning. Such meanings challenge us to examine our type of wisdom or the wisdom we desire to have.

(i) Excellent wisdom: This is the type of wisdom that Daniel had. This wisdom made him to succeed as appointed president, as a man of God, as a spiritual leader and an uncompromising saint. Dan 5:14.

(ii) Wisdom from above or call it heavenly wisdom: This wisdom has eight characteristics. James 3:17-18. Namely: It is pure- holy, clean. It is peaceable Heb 12:14 It is gentle- meek, modest and kind. It is easily entreated - not stubborn, obstinate but yielding to other. It is full of mercy- always forgiving and performing act of kindness. It is full of good fruits Gal 5:22-23. It is without partiality – It has no respect of persons. James 2: 1-10. It is without hypocrisy – open, honest, genuine and true.

(iii) Earthly wisdom: This wisdom also has eight characteristics namely: It has bitter envy. James 3: 14, 15; Gal 5 19-20 It has strife in the heart. James 3: 14, 15. It glories in profession. James 3: 14. It has only worldly view. It is sensual – living only to satisfy animal appetite. It is devilish – inspired by demons James 3:15. It causes confusion. James 3:15. It causes every evil work. James 3:16.

(iv) Sound wisdom: Prov 3:21.

(v) Excelling wisdom: Solomon’s wisdom is excelling wisdom. 1 King 4:31.

(vi) Perverting wisdom: Isaiah 47:10.

(vii) Irrefutable and irresistible wisdom: Lk 21:15. This was demonstrated in Moses, Daniel, the apostles and disciples. Acts 2:14,37, 7:22, 6:10.

Ask God through His Son Jesus Christ to give you excelling wisdom, excellent wisdom, irrefutable wisdom, sound wisdom and wisdom from above.

12.0 INCREASE IN WISDOM: Lk 2: 52, Eph. 4: 13 -15, James 1:5-8, Dan. 9:22, Lk 2:40, 1 Cor 12: 8, 1 Pet 2:2, 11 Peter 3:18.

The bible declared that Jesus Christ increased in wisdom. The Christian life is a life of growth. Every grace and blessing of the gospel in Christ of wisdom is received in seed form ad implanted in the new born child of God. These seeds are watered form heaven and are to be cared for by individuals until growth to full maturity. Ask heaven to increase your wisdom, be diligent to grow in wisdom.

Our Lord increased in wisdom. We must increase in wisdom unto the measure of the stature of the fulfillment of Christ. Eph. 4: 13 – 15. Daniel was a wise man before yet God came through His angel to add wisdom (skill) to him. Dan. 9: 22. Increase in wisdom. How do you increase in wisdom? Ask and you will receive. John 14:14 Jam. 1:5. How do you increase in wisdom? Let the word of God dwell in you richly. Be a man of the word of God, you will be wiser that your teachers, you will be wiser than the ancients. Col. 3:16, Psa. 119:98-100

Wisdom begets wisdom. Wisdom will give you more wisdom. Full wisdom buys wisdom. Hear the cry of wisdom; get wisdom for wisdom is the principal thing. Get wiser everyday.


1. There is Spirit of wisdom Ex. 31:3, 35:31.
2. God does put wisdom in the heart of man Ex. 31:6, 35:35, 36:1,2, I Kings 3:28, Prov. 2:6, II Rev. 3:15
3. The words, will, ways of God are our wisdom. Deut. 4:5-6
4. God is mighty in wisdom.
5. Apply your hearts to wisdom. Psa. 90:12
6. All of Gods works are made in wisdom. Psa. 104:24, Psa. 136:5
7. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Psa. 111:10, Pro 15:33
8. God teaches wisdom. Psa. 105:22
9. The book of Proverbs is written to know wisdom. Prov.1:2
10. Wisdom cries without. Prov. 1:20
11. Fools despise wisdom Prov. 1:7, 8:1, 23:9
12. Incline thine ear to wisdom. Prov2:2
13. God gives wisdom.
14. God layeth sound wisdom for the righteous Prov2:7
15. Wisdom brings happiness Prov3:13
16. The Lord founded the earth by wisdom. Prov. 3:19
17. Keep sound wisdom Prov. 3:21
18. Get wisdom. Prov. 4:7
19. Make wisdom your sister. Prov. 7:4
20. Understand wisdom. Prov. 8:5
21. Wisdom is the principal thing. Prov. 4:7, 8:11
22. The house of wisdom has seven pillars. Prov. 9:1
23. The first step into wisdom is prudence. Prov. 9:10. Prudence is wisdom in action.
24. Understanding produce wisdom Prov. 14:33, 17:24, 10:13, 10:23
25. Lack of wisdom brings death. Prov. 10:21
26. Righteous mouth brings forth wisdom. Prov. 10:31
27. Humility has store of wisdom. Prov. 11:2
28. Despising is a demonstration of lack of wisdom. Prov. 11:12
29. Wisdom brings commendation. Prov. 12:8 e.g. Joseph Gen. 41:39, David II Sam. 4:17-20, Dan. 5:16, I Pet3:15-16
30. Right advice procures wisdom. Prov. 14:8
31. Destitution of wisdom brings foolish joy. Prov. 15:21
32. Wisdom is rated higher than money. Prov.16:16
33. The fool has no heart for wisdom Prov.17:16
34. The search for wisdom demand exclusive devotion. Prov.18:1, Ecc. 8:16, 1:13,16
35. He that gets wisdom loves his soul. Prov. 19:8
36. No wisdom is against the Lord. Prov. 21:30
37. Buy Wisdom. Prov. 23:23
38. Cease from your own wisdom.
39. House is built through wisdom. Prov. 24:3
40. Wisdom is too high for a fool. Prov. 24:7
41. Knowledge of wisdom is like hay to the soul and procures reward, bringing Expectation to manifestation. Prov24:14
42. Wisdom in a child brings gladness to parents. Prov. 23:15, 24
43. Rod of reproof gives wisdom.
44. Great women and all round successful women open their mouth in wisdom Prov 31:26.
45. Wisdom excelleth folly as light excelleth darkness. Ecc. 2:13
46. Wisdom is good with an inheritance. Ecc. 7:11
47. Wisdom is a defense. Ecc. 7:12
48. Wisdom gives life to them that has it. Ecc. 7:12
49. Wisdom brings strength.
50. A man’s wisdom makes his face shine Ecc. 8:1
51. No wisdom in the grave. Ecc. 9:10
52. Poor man’s wisdom is despised. Ecc. 9:14-16
53. Wisdom is better than weapons of war. Ecc. 9:18.
54. Folly spoils wisdom. Ecc10:1
55. Wisdom fails the fool and he becomes exposed for folly. Ecc. 10:3
56. Wisdom is profitable to direct. Ecc. 10:10
57. Our Lord Possess the Spirit of wisdom. Isa. 11:2. You need the spirit of wisdom.
58. Wisdom do perish outside God. Isa. 29:24
59. Man is not the source of wisdom. It is pure pride and foolishness to lay claim to wisdom as your own making. Isaiah 10:13
60. Wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times. Wisdom and knowledge do stabilizes government Isa..33:6
61. Carnal wisdom and knowledge do pervert Isaiah 47:10
62. No true wisdom is left when the word of God is rejected. Jer. 8:9
63. God established the world by His wisdom. Jer. 51:15
64. Pride defile wisdom. Ezek..28:4,5,7.
65. Pride-Is this not what destroyed the wisdom of Lucifer? Eze. 28:12-15
66. Daniel and his colleagues in Babylon were skillful in all wisdom. Dan. 1:4
67. Wisdom is the gift of God. Dan. 1:17
68. With God there is no limit to wisdom in you. Dan. 1:20
69. Always chart the path of counsel and wisdom. Dan. 2:14
70. Wisdom and might is of the Lord. Dan. 2:20
71. Wisdom and might is given of the Lord. Dan. 2:23
72. Wisdom distinguishes man. Dan. 5:11,14, Matt. 6:2
73. The man of wisdom see the Lord’s name. Micah 6:9
74. Wisdom justifies. Mat. 11:15
75. In Christ we are greater than Solomon in wisdom. Matt. 12:42
76. Wisdom establishes. Matt13:54
77. There is wisdom of the just. Lk. 1:17
78. It is possible to be filled with wisdom from cradle. Lk. 2:40
79. With Christ you can increase in wisdom. Lk2:52
80. God gives wisdom that occasion demands. Lk 21:15
81. Stephen with his six colleagues was filled with the Holy Ghost and wisdom. Here we see that Holy Ghost and wisdom are inseparable. Acts 6:3
82. Wisdom is irresistible. Act. 6:10
83. Oh Lord give me favour and wisdom in the sight of men and even great men Act.7:10
84. “Learned in all wisdom” should be our goal and appellation Act.7:22
85. Depths of God’s wisdom manifests Rom.1:33
86. The wisdom of the worldly wise shall be destroyed 1Cor. 2:24
87. The world cannot know God by worldly wisdom 1Cor. 1:21
88. Christ is the wisdom of God 1Cor. 2:24
89. Christ is made unto us wisdom1Cor. 1:30
90. The gospel cannot be effective with enticing words of man 1 Cor. 2:4
91. Our faith must not stand in the wisdom of man but in the power of God 1Cor. 2:5
92. Wisdom of God prospers among them that are perfect. 1Corr. 2:6-7
93. The wisdom of this world is foolishness. 1Cor. 3:19
94. Word of wisdom is a gift of the Holy Spirit 1Cor. 12:8
95. There is fleshly wisdom 1Cor. 1:12
96. Wisdom is that which enables us to determine and judge what are best goals and the best means of attaining them. Prudence is practical wisdom applied in the best time and manner to secure the best results. Where in He has abounded towards us in all wisdom Eph. 1:8
97. O Lord give me the Spirit of wisdom Eph. 1:17
98. God’s wisdom is manifold. Eph. 3:10
99. My father and my God fill me with the knowledge of your will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding in Jesus name. Col. 1:9.
100. Teaching to make perfect should be done in all wisdom. Col. 1:28
101. In Christ are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Col. 2:3
102. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom. Col. 3:16
103. Walk in wisdom towards them that are without. Col. 4:5
104. God giveth wisdom liberally without upbraiding to all men who ask without doubt. James 1:5-9
105. There is meekness of wisdom. James 3:13.
106. The wisdom that is not from God is earthly, sensual and devilish. James 3:15.
107. Wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable gentle and easy to be entreated, full of mercy, good fruits, without partially, and without hypocrisy. James 3:17
108. Wisdom of God gives better perception than the wisdom of any one. As it was with Joseph in the days of Pharaoh and so will it be with us today. Gen 41:8,39
109. Bribe blindeth wisdom. Ex. 23:8 Deut. 16:19
110. Wisdom brings sharpen skill. Ex. 28:3, 35:25,36:2
111. Wise men should be rulers. Deut. 1:13, 15.
112. The word of God will make a people to be visibly wise and understanding people.
113. A delicate assignment requires a wise woman. A wise woman you can be. II Sam. 14:2, Prov. 14:1, II Sam. 20:16.
114. Angels are exceedingly wise. II Sam. 14:20
115. To build a house requires wisdom. Prov. 14:1
116. Solomon one of the greatest kings who ever lived was given a wise and understanding heart. O Lord my God give me a wise and understanding heart. I King 3:12
117. God doth magnify a person by giving him wisdom. I King 3:27-28, I King 5:7
118. Great Men are not always wise. Job 32:9
119. A wise son maketh a glad father. Prov. 10:1, 15:20
120. He that gathereth in summer (harvest) is a wise man. Prov. 10:5
121. The fool shall be servant of the wise. Prov. 11:29
122. He that refrains his lips is wise Prov. 10:19, 14:3, 17:28
123. He that winneth soul is wise Prov. 11:30
124. He that hearkeneth to good counsel is wise Prov. 12:15
125. The tongue of the wise is health Prov. 12:18
126. He that walketh with wise men shall be wise. Prov13:20
127. The crown of the wise is their riches. Prov.14:24.
128. There is tongue of the wise. Prov.15:32, Ecc.9:17, 10:2, 12:11
129. Wisdom procures favour. Prov.13:35.
130. Wisdom turns the tongue to a useful instrument. Prov.15:2,7, 16:23.
131. Desired oil and treasure are in the dwelling of the wise. Prov.21:20
132. Wisdom brings supernatural abilities. Prov.21:22, 24:5, Ecc.7:19
133. A wise son is an unfathomable asset. Prov.23:15; 24; 27:11
134. The keeping of the word of God is wisdom. Pro.28:7
135. Wise men turn away wrath. Prov.29:8
136. The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning. Ecc. 7:4
137. Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes. Isa. 5:12
138. Backsliders are wise to do evil. Jer. 4:22
139. But the wise shall understand. Dan. 12:10
140. The wise will shine as brightness of the firmament. Dan.12:3
141. Who is wise? Hosea 14:9
142. The wise man is the one who hears the word of God and does it. Matt. 7:24-29
143. Be wise as serpent. Matt.10:16
144. A wise servant shall be found doing at the coming of His Lord. Matt.24:45-46, Lk12:42
145. 50% are wise in Christendom. Matt.25:2-13
146. Certain people profess to be wise but they become fools. Rom1:22.
147. Be not wise in your own conceit. Rom12:16.
148. Be wise unto that which is good. Rom. 16:19
149. To God only wise. Rom. 16:27
150. A wise master builder make me O Lord my God in Jesus name. ICor.3:10
151 Walk as wise Eph.5:15.
152. Bible makes you wise unto salvation IITim.3:15
153. A wise man demonstrates meekness of wisdom. James3:13
154. The word of God makes us sophisticatedly wise. Psa.19:7
155. When a person leaves wisdom the words of his month becomes iniquity and deceit. Psa.36:3
156. O Lord let my mouth speak wisdom. Psa.37:30, 49:3
157. Make me to know wisdom in the hidden part. Psa.51:6
158. Wisdom begets wisdom. Prov.1:5-6, Prov.13:20.
159. Get Wisdom. Prov. 4:5
160. God teaches in the way of wisdom. Prov. 4:11
161. Considers the ways of the ant and be wise. Prov. 6:6 (read 6-12)
162. A wise man embrace reprove. Prov. .9:8, 10:8, 15:31, 17:10.
163. The law of the wise is a fountain of life Prov. 13:14.
164. Wisdom maketh to pacify anger. Prov. 16:14, 29:8
165. Answer a fool according to his folly, less he be wise in his own conceit. Prov. 26:5
166. Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? There is more hope of fool than him Prov. 26:12
167. A virtuous woman openeth her mouth with wisdom Prov. 31:26.
168. Cry after wisdom, seek her as silver, search for her as hidden treasures, incline thine heart unto it. Prov.2:2-6
169. Wisdom delivers from the way of evil man and strange woman. Prov.2:10-16
170. Length of days, riches and honour are with wisdom. Prov. 3:16.
171. The way of wisdom is pleasantness, her path are peace, she is a tree of life to them that lay hold on her and happy is the man that retaineth her. Prov. 3:17-18.
172. Wisdom brings sweet sleep. Prov. .3:24.
173. Wisdom is life to the soul and grace to the meek. Prov. .3:22
174. Wisdom enables to walk safely and without stumbling. Prov. .3:23
175. Wisdom casts away fear. Prov. .3:24
176. The wise shall inherit glory. Pro. 3:35
177. The opposite of wisdom is foolishness and stupidity.
178. Get wisdom, get understanding, forget it not, neither decline from the words of my mouth, forsake her not and he shall preserve thee, love her and she shall keep thee. Wisdom is the principal thing, therefore get wisdom; and with all thy getting get understanding. Exalt her and she shall promote thee to honour when thou do embrace her. She shall give thine head an ornament of grace, a crown of glory shall he deliver to thee. Prov. 4:5-9.
179. Teach your child in the way of wisdom. Prov. 4:10.
180. Make wisdom your sister and he will keep thee from strange woman. Prov. 7:4-5
181. Wisdom is calling unto you. Prov. 8:1-5
182. Wisdom and righteousness are inseparable. Prov. 8:8-9.
183. No desire can be compared with wisdom. Prov. 8:11
184. Kings reign by wisdom and princes decree by wisdom Prov. 8:15
185. Wisdom loves the man who loves her. Prov. 8:17
186. If you seek wisdom early you will find it. Prov. 8:17
187. Durable riches and righteousness belongs to wisdom Prov. 8:18
188. Wisdom has excelling fruit, revenue of class, inheritance of substance and treasures that fill.
189. Wisdom is the possession of God. Prov. 8:22
190. Wisdom was set up from everlasting. Prov. 8:23-34
191. Blessed is the man who delights in wisdom. Prov. 8:34-35.
192. He that sinneth against wisdom wrong his own soul. Prov. 8:36
193. Wisdom invites you to his bountiful, inexhaustible feast. Prov. 9:1-5.
194. The word of God makes us wiser than our enemies. Psa. 119:98
195. The children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light. Lk. 16:8
196. God made us wiser than the fowls of the heaven. Job 35:11, Job. 38:13-17
197. Wise behaviour sends fears into the heart of our hardened enemy. I Sam. 18:14, 15
198. When you behave yourself wisely in all your ways, God will be with you and the vice versa in also true. ISam. 18:14
199. When you behave yourself wisely you name will be much set by. ISam. 18:13
200. Wise walk brings deliverance. Prov. 28:26
201. Wisdom excels folly as far as light excels darkness Ecc. 2:13
202. The wise man’s eyes are in his head, but the fools walks is darkness Ecc.2:14.
203. The multitude recognizes wisdom in Jesus Christ and they ask, “Whence has this man this wisdom”. Matt. 13:54.
204. Walk in wisdom towards them that are without. Col. 4:5
205. Ask God for wisdom. James. 1:5


1 Blessed God you name be glorified for the wonderful things you have revealed to and taught us on wisdom.
2 To you be the glory who giveth us wisdom.
3 I praise thee O Lord God for the wonderful gains of wisdom.
4 Be magnified the God of all wisdom.
5 God you are great, loving, merciful and caring for giving us Jesus Christ who is the wisdom of God
6 Thank you O Lord for wisdom from above, thank you O Lord for sound wisdom, excelling wisdom and excellent wisdom.
7 Be thou exalted, thou who is worthy of all praises, I worship you for making known to me that wisdom is the principal thing, it is better than gold and all things that may be conquered with it. Prov. 8:11
8 O Lord God make me wise unto salvation in Jesus name.
9 Heavenly father make me wise as serpent and harmless as dove in Jesus name.
10 The blessings and benefits of wisdom make thou my portion O Lord God in Jesus name
11 You made Solomon unusually king by giving him wisdom. Today my father and my God release to my life excelling wisdom in Jesus name
12 O Lord let me hear the cry of wisdom.
13 O Lord my God, the mighty God you do all your works in wisdom, send me help from the sanctuary that I will do all things in wisdom.
14 Wisdom is the principal thing; fill me with wisdom O God in Jesus name.
15 Wisdom ministers supernatural abilities, liberally endow me with O God of the sprit of all flesh in Jesus name. Prov. 21:22, 24:5.
16 Let wisdom promote me and bring me to honour and phenomenal success in Jesus name. Prov. 4:8-9.
17 Release the spirit of wisdom upon my life as you did unto Bezaleel. Ex 31:1-5.
18 O Lord Jesus be my wisdom.
19 Wisdom is a fountain of great good, let wisdom do me great in Jesus name.
20 Make me shine in wisdom in Jesus name. Dan. 12:3
21 Wisdom make a man tongue a healing tongue, O Lord my God make my tongue a healing tongue in through wisdom in Jesus name.
22 Release to my life the grace of soul wining for he that winneth soul is wise.
23 You gave Joshua the spirit of wisdom, our Lord Jesus possessed the spirit of wisdom, living and faithful God give unto me wisdom that we will be able to do great exploits for God.
24 I will not ignore the cry of wisdom in Jesus name. Prov. 24 -27
25 God and wisdom are inseparable, the Lord that performeth all things for me make me and wisdom inseparable in Jesus name.
26 Wisdom distinguishes man and animals, increase my wisdom, O Lord God in Jesus name.
27 Greater that Solomon is with us in Jesus name.
28 Fools despise wisdom, glorious God let me never despise wisdom in Jesus name.
29 Cain despised wisdom and became a vagabond and wanderer, I am thine O Lord God, I reject the spirit that despise wisdom and in Jesus name.
30 The world is full of wolves, Heavenly Father make me wise as serpent and harmless as dove.
31 Bring to my life O God of all grace the fear of God that is the beginning of wisdom.
32 Nabal despise wisdom and died a fool I break every hold of foolishness over my life in Jesus name.
33 Abundantly release to my life wisdom from above, O Lord my God in Jesus name.
34 I reject earthly wisdom in Jesus name. Amen.
35 The Lord Jesus Christ increased in wisdom during His earthly sojourn, my heavenly Father let me increase in wisdom in Jesus name.
36 I thank you O Lord my God for answering my prayer in Jesus name.

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