





No one needs to persuade USA based sister Onyeka that prayer works. She encountered the God that answers prayers who also proved that there is no distance in prayers. Her bleeding in far away USA defied all that medical attention could offer even in America. She herself a qualified nurse in practice. When medical treatment failed she resigned herself to fate while expecting death. Then suddenly she remembered she had an uncle in Nigeria. She decided that at least her uncle should know before she died. She also remembered that the uncle is a Pastor in Nigeria perhaps the God his uncle professed can come to her rescue. The uncle, a Pastor in Christ Peoples Assembly got the message and started praying. He made contact with other ministers in Christ Peoples Assembly. God of miracles who is the same yesterday today and forever intervened and Onyeka was healed. The bleeding stopped. Praise the Lord.


 For brother and sister John it was a day they will live to remember. The woman was in labour. The first hospital rejected her. So also the second hospital. As if this was not enough the third hospital also rejected her. Of course how many hospital will be ready to take the risk of delivering a woman whose state showed threat to the live of the mother and the baby? Then they got to the forth hospital who took her and after examination they to her that the baby was already dead in the womb. And that they would operate her to bring out the dead baby. Meanwhile contact was made with a Pastor in Christ Peoples Assembly who briefed other ministers of the Church. The throne of God was stormed with prayers heaven intervened and the miracle happened. The woman delivered without operation and the ‘Still born baby’ came alive. Praise the living for His mercies and faithfulness.


On this particular day I was sick. All through the day the sickness persists and it was very disturbing. Then it occurred to me that I have a copy of Daily Delight Devotional. I picked the copy and as I just opened it the book opened to January 27. Lo and behold the topic for the day was: Healing of the Physical Body. I read everything on the page, suddenly I was instantly healed. Praise the Lord. Needless to say I concluded that the devotional is God breathed with God backing. From Sister B


This testimony is to honour God and encourage those who face seemingly insurmountable problems in their academics. With God all things are possible. The God who helped me is able to help you.

Today I had Masters degree and work with one of the nation’s leading companies of my field.

Because of financial challenges I withdrew from school in primary two. As if that was not enough I was sick for not a short duration. I was only in primary School for about two years. The battle against my academic resurfaced again in the University. This time the devil determined that I would not take anything out of the University. At both first and second degree it was war. But to God be the glory who defeated the enemy and made me an academic champion. I finished secondary School at age thirteen. I finished hundred level at a leading Federal Government Universty by age fourteen. I obtained my Masters at age twenty one. Praise the Lord with me. Bro O. O.



My wife and I were filled with joy when Jeremiah was born. The toddler growth was exciting and thrilling; seeing him crawling lifts to ecstasy. We were indeed a happy family. Then suddenly the devil struck. Jerry took ill on a Sunday morning that otherwise look promising. My lovely wife took him to the local General Hospital at Oluyide where diagnosis and treatment failed. By this time the boy had gone into coma. He was then sent to the state Massy Children Hospital with life support. From there he was sent to Lagos Island Maternity. These two great hospitals did their best yet without success hence we were referred to the teaching hospital at Ikeja popularly called LASUTH. Here their expertise could not make the child well, hence we were finally sent to the Federal Government Teaching Hospital at Idi Araba-LUTH. The devil was bent on taking the life of the toddler Jeremiah. But church stood like Rock of Gilbratar with intensity of prayers. Christ Peoples Assembly from workers to Ministers and church members prayed fervently that Jeremiah must not die. The result was that Jerry came back to life and the devil was totally defeated. The poisonous material as devil’s weapon equally failed as it was successfully removed. No weapon fashioned against us shall prosper. Praise the Lord. Jeremiah is Alive. From the Agboola Family 



The day April 1, 2012 will remain ever fresh in my wife and I life. It was a day the enemy struck as our rented apartment went into flames with the entire building. Our property was burnt save the cloth we put on. We today remember the date for good and the Lord restored all and more than what we lost to fire. We are back to life to the glory of God. The Lord used his people particularly Christ Peoples Assembly and her members. They were simply fantastic. The church is truly a church of God. Praise the Lord the devil is put to shame perpetually in Jesus name. From the Fabiyis.



God is faithful He answereth prayers. On this fateful day my Okada was seized. A colleague was the strong voice that made it easier for my Okada to be impounded by the police. The incident occurred during the 30day fasting and prayer of our church Christ Peoples Assembly. The church rose in prayer and of mercy answered from heaven the very colleague that stood as my adversary went and bought a new Okada for me, he said his mind was restless until he bought the Okada. Praise God. From bro Stephen


I give glory to the living God who did not allow the devil to take my life and that of my baby. I was in labour for the sixth day running. My husband was himself discouraged and in fear. The church Christ Peoples Assembly encouraged us and went into prayer. This morning of sixth day labour heaven intervened and I delivered safely and joyfully. Praise God. From Iya Ezekiel.


On this particular day I went to work and came back to hawk in the barracks as usual. Suddenly I collapsed and became paralyzed. I could not speak, I could not stand and I was not fully conscious, I had to be carried from the spot. A church member from our Church Christ Peoples Assembly called our branch pastor and my husband. I was on the immediately carried to the Pastors house where the Pastors, church workers prayed for me all through the night. The healing process started I could talk small but could not be heard because of my twisted tongue. I was moved to the family of my husband place and the church continued in prayers. To the glory of God the healing process continued and I became healed that today I not only walk with beautifully with the same legs buy I also talk well. Praise with me the God of miracle. Mrs Tanpinnu from Ibereko branch


We thank God for serving the living and faithful God. I was at the deliverance service in the company of my wife. After the service which I led and coordinated we left to our house which is not far away. We picked a Maruwa to hasten the trip. Suddenly without notice at a major junction a saloon car rammed into our Maruwa the result is better imagined than described. Miraculously the devil lost the battle to take our lives. The true and faithful God whom we serve in faith and verity was there to save our life. Today we are hale and hearty. Praise the Lord. From Pastor M


I thank the God of Christ Peoples Assembly. The church is a praying church where God answers prayers. I am a trader. I set forth this day to my trading post only to return home in the evening to meet a collapsed ceiling. I now know that I am under prayer cover otherwise the ceiling could have fallen while I was in house. Thank God who saved my life. Praise the Lord. From Mama Joko


The hardship and agony of joblessness with its untold miseries are not what anyone could wish for. These were what the almighty God saved me from. I am grateful unto the living God who did not forget his hand work but remembered me for good. Today I am a state Government worker with all its benefit. Praise the Lord with me. Bro Sanni


I praise the almighty God who saved me, my son, family and the church from evil label. My first born Ope has a friend. Both were playmates. One day while the two of them were playing the friend without notice jumped into a car booth and locked himself. His cry alerted people around who struggled hard to open the booth of the car. The booth could not be easily opened. The gathered people were of the strong opinion that it was my son who put his friend in the booth and locked him there since it was unknown how the boy got into the booth. It was his cry that attracted the people. The crowed were ready to attack my son. Finally the booth was opened and the boy came out. After he stabilised from the threat of death that was already seizing him; he explained that after he took some money from his house his mind told him to hide himself in the booth of the car. Promptly he obeyed this spirit. It was after his narration that it became clear that my son was completely innocent of the strange and false charge. Praise the Lord whom I serve in faith and verity. Mama Ope Badagry.

Books! Books!! Books!!!@ www.dailydelights.org

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The following life building books are available @ www.dailydelights.org

1. Daily Delight 2013 Devotional by Rev. Samuel O. Oluwatunbi. This is good for family and personal devotion. It is the Word loaded devotional.

2. Feeds to the Top. By Rev Samuel O. Oluwatunbi. The book is book for giant strides in academics and life.

3. Mothers: Home Makers and Nation Builders. By Rev. Mrs Mary Oluwatunbi. No mother should be without this book tagged mother’s companion. Learn the art of motherhood to produce outstanding children in God honouring home.

4. Sleeping Soundly and Waking Joyfully through Praises. By Rev. Samuel O. Oluwatunbi. This is one book to outlaw your worries and be on top of the situations of life.

5. Excelling in Acacemic. By Rev. Samuel O. Oluwatunbi. The book is for all who desire to make outstanding success in Acacemics. The book exposes you into the art of coming first, winning prizes and even become pace setter. Get a copy the author himself left the University with a Prize for the Best all Round Student.

6. Don’t go to Hell. By Rev. Samuel O. Oluwatunbi. Get insight into what hell is and how not to be a citizen of the place.  

Visit www.dailydelights.org  for download of some free materials

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