


Being message delivered at Christ Peoples Assembly Singles Seminar on Sunday 9th October 2016 by Rev Mrs Mary Oluwatunbi at Mushin branch, Lagos.


Bible Text: 1Cor6:18, Heb13:4, 2Sam13:1-29, Gen34:1-31, 2Tim2:22



Sex is ordained of God for married couple (male + female) for mutual satisfaction, great pleasure, fulfillment, strengthening bond of unity and intimacy in marriage, to help in creating a deep companionship with one’s spouse and for procreation. Gen1:28, ICor7:1-3

‘Sex is a powerful force that can destroy if not used properly. Like atomic power, sex is the most powerful creative force given to man.  When atomic power is used correctly it can create boundless energy; when it is used in the wrong way it destroys life.  Sex is the same kind of powerful force’.



Premarital sex is sexual relation before marriage i.e all sexual relations a person had before legal marriage which has grave and damaging consequences.  A lot of perversion is going on in the world today, premarital sex can take the form of a, Incest: sexual relations between relatives especially immediate family members and first cousins. b,Masturbation:Manual erotic stimulation of the genitals or other erotic regions often to orgasm either by oneself or a partner.c,Homosexuality:The state of being sexually and romantically attracted primarily or exclusively to persons of the same sex i.e. sexual activity with a person of the same sex.d,Lesbianism:Female homosexuality:the state ( of a woman) of being attracted to the other women.e,Bestiality:Sexual activity between a human and another species.f,Real sex.(see Leviticus 18:6,9

The above are some of the reasons God gave up the people and destroyed the world in time of Noah and destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah with fire and brimstone.

To our young ones, don’t destroy your future by engaging in premarital sex or being involved in any form of sexual perversion.  By playing with this powerful force outside the bounds of marriage destroys you and those close to you. ‘Give not thy strength unto women nor thy way to that which destroyeth kings’. Pro 31:3.  You are made kings and priests unto God.  Your future is bright and precious, you are our future, the future of the family, church and nation; direct the strength of your youth to positive cause, that which builds and not that which destroys.


2.0         DANGERS OF PREMARITAL SEX Col3:5,6, 2Tim2:22

It is both in the physical and in the spiritual

2.10 Physical Dangers of Premarital Sex

·       Declining academic performance, deteriorating social relationship with family and friends.  The young ones are immature and cannot deal with the explosive sex drive which tend to dominate their life.

·       Abruption of career, if the girl gets pregnant most of the time, the male partner will not claim responsibility

·       Premature parenthood

·       Risk of abortion which may lead to diseases, death and other complications. Unwanted pregnancy

·       Rejection by parents and the male partner, which can lead to abandonment and depression

·       There are cases of young girls throwing or abandoning the unwanted babies in the gutter, dustbins and other public places.  Some sell the babies secretly,some taken to Motherly homes and grand mothers because they are not prepared for / matured for motherhood.

·       Risk of shame e.g Tamar 2Samuel 13:13,17-19.Dinah Gen 34:2,5.Even risk of death of the male partner if family of the female retaliate e.g Amnon,he was killed by the brother of Tamar for defiling his sister.2 Samuel 13:28-29.

·       Risk of depression 2Cor12:21 and suffering disappointment if either partner leaves

·       Risk of having illegitimate children which can trouble your home when you eventually settle later.

·       Risk of sexual dysfunction getting incurable diseases STD, herpes veneral diseases ,HIV/AIDS.It can bring loss of fertility.Infertility experts estimate that 80% of today’s infertility is due to veneral diseases contracted before they married.

·       It kills your vision, it is a destroyer of destiny

·       Majority of the ladies cannot enjoy a fulfilling sex outside the bond of marriage as this is done mostly in hidden places.  There is fear of being caught, fear of pregnancy and feeling of guilt bringing stress and worry to the ladies.

·       You will be hurt by the unpleasant memories when you marry- broken relationships that involved premarital sex.  Such strong unpleasant memories can last a long time except God intervenes in your case.



Ø  It is sin against God, breaking God’s commandment. 1Thess4:3. Premarital sex is sin of fornication which brings the wrath of God. Colossians 3:5,6.  Twenty three thousand people died in the wilderness in one day due to immorality 1Cor10:8. 

Ø  No fornicator will enter the kingdom of God 1Cor6:9

Ø  The penalty of fornication is death. Deut23:20,21.  Fornication leads to more sin like abortion which is murder

Ø  Risk of damaging your Christian testimony permanently and lost relationship except you repent.

Ø  Risk of damaging the destiny of your future marriage.  Early sexual experience is linked with some peoples dissatisfaction in their present marriages, unhappiness with level of sexual intimacy and the prevalence of low self- esteem.

Ø  Risk of placing your future children in spiritual harm’s way.(they can become possessed)

Ø  It creates an ungodly soul tie.Sex is more than just a physical act, it is also a spiritual encounter Mk10:6-9, a physiological bonding.It involves blood.  Premarital sex short circuits the emotional bonding experience.

Ø  It fragmentize the soul, part of the heart or soul have been given to the person you have sex with.  It can affect your marriage in future.

Ø  It passes demon to you.Demons and their host gain entrance into a person’s body through premarital sex. Don’t be joined to an harlot. 1Cor6:16.It can bring curse especially if later the person is jilted or disappointed.  It is sin against your own body 1Cor6:18.

Ø  It is lust,don’t allow the spirit of Amnon in your life.2 Samuel 13:2,12-15  It make you loose confidence, making the relationship with the family unstable, telling all kinds of lies in order to escape

Ø  Risk of shame and disobeying God and letting Satan get a foothold of you, damaging your precious future 1Cor5:1,2 Heb13:4

3.00 PREVENTING AND OVERCOMING SEXUAL TEMPTATIONS Ecc12:1, 1Tim5:2, 22, 1Thess5:22, 23, Gen39:12, Pro1:10, 7:1-5, 6:27-29

a.    Be genuinely born again John3:3, 1Cor5:17

b.    Have an ongoing and developing relationship with Jesus Christ.1Peter 2:2,2Peter 3:18;John 15:4

c.     Have a healthy productive faith in God,build yourself with the word of God,prayers and fellowship on regular basis.

d.    Put on the whole armour of God.Ephesians 6:11

e.    Set your priorities right, value righteous life, honesty and uprightness.1King 9:4

f.      Keep yourself pure, flee fornication.  Joseph fled from Potiphar’s wife.  Make up your mind to live a pure life.1Timothy 5:22,1Corinthians 6:18.

g.    Stop clustering and mingling around opposite sex.1 Tim 5:2

h.    Abstinence is the sure proof to avoid dangers of premarital sex.1 Peter 1:15,16

i.      Be careful of the friends you keep, dissociate yourself from immoral ungodly, peer group.1 Cor 15:33

j.      Beware of places you go, type of film/video you watch, books you read, sites you go on the internet.Luke 6:45.

k.     Don’t be idle, get yourself involved in positive things.  Join a subgroup in the Church.  Don’t be alone with opposite sex in secret places.Pro 22:29

l.      Be careful what you drink – refrain from alcohol, don’t get involved in drugs.Proverbs 20:1

m.   Make the word of God, the bible your friend Josh1:8 and close companion, be very prayerful.Luke 18:1

n.    Be careful what you wear, don’t expose your sensitive parts.  Cover up, dress appropriately and responsibly,never wear anything too.  How you sit matters as ladies.  Guard your mind, heart and body in a sex saturated world.Rev 3:18,1 Timothy 2:9,10


3.20 HOPE AND RESTORATION AFTER PREMARITAL SEX. Proverbs 28:13                                                   

What if you are guilty of sexual sin, lost your virginity either before you know the Lord or were careless or seduced?  For there is hope of a tree if it be cut down that it will sprout again and that the tender branch thereof will not cease Job14:7

There should be genuine sorrow for sin, ask God for forgiveness 1Jh1:9, Psa103:12.  Ask God for grace to go and sin no more, no sin is beyond the reach of the blood of Jesus.  Ask God for restoration Joel 2:25.  Get renewed in the Lord. Colossians 3:10.  Abstain from all appearances of evil 1Thessalonians 5:22


3.30 COUNSELS Proverbs 11:14,15:22

Virginity is not archaic neither is it old school.  Don’t be deceived.  Virginity is to be given to the most important person in your life, the person you committed yourself to stay with forever in marriage and that in marriage.  Your virginity is the most precious thing you have to give to your spouse.  Once you loose it, nothing in the world can bring it back.  Don’t lose something so precious in a thoughtless way.  True love waits.

Rev Samuel O. Oluwatunbi in his House of Treasures devotionals said, ‘Suggestive looks, pecking and necking, avoidable or let us call it illegal touching,holdings that does not rule out intentions and embarrassing embracing all drive into danger zone of regrets.  Relate with all purity.  That is the standard to be at peace with God and ridicule satan’ House of Treasures 28/9/16

There is a way which seemeth right unto man but the end thereof are the ways of death Pro14:12



‘And now brethren (our children in Christ Peoples Assembly) I commend you to God and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified’ Acts20:32

Your destiny shall not be hijacked by the enemy.  You shall be mighty upon the earth in the mighty name of Jesus.


Remain blessed!!!

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