



Not long ago I did some online courses from Google Platform. I was fascinated by some points they marshalled on job hunting. Read below from my note:

1)     Landing your dream job is possible if you have the right tools and skills up your sleeve.

2)     Before you embark on landing that dream job, take a moment to reflect on what you really want from your new role. Knowing this can help you identify what to look for throughout your job search and put your best foot forward.

3)    First step is defining the type of jobs that appeal to you. Think about the type of companies or industries you would like to walk for. List what you can offer by your qualifications. Spend time to rehearse how you will persuade potential employers that you are right for the job.

4)     Apply for roles with polished CVs and covering letters. A CV or covering letter is often the first impression you get to make with prospective employers, so it's critical these documents make a mark. Whether you're delivering your story on paper or on an online platform like LinkedIn, you will need to include some key points so that your story comes across clearly and persuasively.

5)     Include the following in your CV: Contact information, previous work experience, Qualifications, Education, Personal motivation statement. CVs and covering letters are often the first opportunity to impress potential employers, so it's critical they're done well and tailored to the job you're going for.

6)       Develop a solid and authentic online presence can help you engage recruiters and give them a clear and accurate indication of who you are.

7)        Don't worry about publishing everything at once. Instead, schedule time to post regularly, and keep your content a consistent quality. Always use the social media sites that are likely to get you noticed by the right people, and remember that your personal brand should be a true and authentic reflection of who you are.

8)        Job searching should be enhanced with online and offline networking.

9)   Coming to your job interview prepared, relaxed and informed can be the difference you need to really make that lasting impression. Before the interview, you should prepare a list of relevant questions to ask the interviewer. During the interview, you should be mindful of your body language and nonverbal communication. Lastly, when the interview is over, you should follow up with a quick email to say thanks for the opportunity.

10)  Understanding the power of self-promotion will help you make others aware of the unique contribution you can make. Most people shy away from self-promotion as they feel like its bragging. Instead, they'd sooner try and wait for someone to recognise their achievements before promoting them. Your best public relations person is you! Knowing this is the first step to becoming an expert self-promoter.

11)      Speaking openly about your accomplishments in the workplace and beyond can be challenging, but is the only way to ensure others will know about your experience and your talents. Keep making a list of all the things that make you remarkable. Speaking openly about your achievements in the workplace and beyond can be challenging, but it will help others appreciate your skills and experience. Keep at it. You're on your way to becoming an expert self-promoter.

12)     Self-promotion, like any skill, requires practice and attention. Create an accomplishment list. Listen to feedback from friends and colleagues. Build a confidence backpack. Try out physical poses to help you feel more confident.

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