



On August 23, 2019 when his wife turned 60 and presented three books, Rev. Samuel O. Oluwatunbi said in his speech: 'To God be the glory on this glorious occasion dedicated to the praise of His glory for His limitless faithfulness. About forty years ago, in the hallowed lobby of Ahmadu Bello University Chapel, Zaria, the Holy Ghost turned my attention to an innocent looking lady and told me clearly, 'The lady sitting down there is your wife'. As at today we have crossed thirty-six years in marriage.

The coming into my life of darling Mary, as I fondly calll her from the time of our courtship, has profoundly and radically changed for good my outlook on, my respect for, my attitude to and my placing of women in the scheme of things and in the society at large. Their capacities and capabilities are mysteries that can only be put together by divine hand. I come to know that women are great, wonderful, resilientt and permit me to say marvellous. No wonder it was a woman that first saw the resurrected Jesus and broke the cheering news to the hiding, fearful and mournful Apostles including Peter and John.

Four years ago, darling Mary, my wife, told me she is going to write three books to mark her sixtieth birthday. I had the privilege to watch her in seemingly unending hours of labour. This is in spite of demanding, existing and current commitments. She is a minister with involvements in all aspect of ministries. She is a circuit preacher to branches of Christ Peoples Assembly, she is highly committed to women and youths all-round development, she is there in Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN) leadership roles, she is there assisting other Christian bodies in leadership roles, all these besides her commitment as wife, mother and grandmother. Her writing career is indeed a miracle. It is also a message to all who think they have the gift of writing but no time to do so. I say to our women in particular that you too can, as grace is available for you in Christ.

Darling Mary, my wife, has now written six highly recommended books with unusual titles of much appeal to heart and taste. Her books include: Mothers-Home Makers And Nation Builders, Relating Well With Your In-Laws, Mitigating The Challenges Of Middle Age-The Sandwich Years, then on her list of written works comes the three books we are dedicating today, namely: Bequeathing A Lasting Legacy, Maximizing The Earning Years And The Pastor's Wife Her Tears, Her Pains, Her Joys. At this stage let me prophesy that these content-loaded books with timely and timeless titles will circulate globally and generationally, blessing lives in their trails till Jesus comes.

Beloved brethren, thank you for being with us on this glorious occasion, celebration of things of joy, beauty and success will never cease in your camp in Jesus name. God bless you always in all ways. Thanks.

From You to God: O Lord my God, give me vision and mission with required grace of dedication to accomplish for Thee in Jesus name.

Application: Find a need and meet it for the name of Christ.

Foot note: God writes on the table of our hearts that which will be written to benefit humanity.



See House of Treasures, Wednesday, 20 April 2022 ADDRESS AT DEDICATION OF THREE BOOKS

Opening Verse: Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies. Proverbs 31:10 Bible Text: Proverbs 31:10-31 More Texts: Deut 27:3; 2Chron 26:22; Isa 30:8; Jer 30:2; 36:2; Dan 9:2; Hab 2:2; Mark 16:9-11; Luke 1:3; John 1:45; Heb 10:16; 2Pet 3:1; 1John 1:4; 2:1, 12-13; Jude 1:3; Rev 1:11, 19; 21:5

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