


Opening Verse: Let thy fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of thy youth. Proverbs 5:18

Bible Text: 1Cor 7:1-5

More Texts: Gen 1:27-28; 2:24-25; 4:1, 17, 25; 39:9; 1Sam 1:19; Psalm 139:14; Prov 5:19; 12:4; 19:14; Jer 29:6; Matt 19:5; 1Cor 6:18; Eph 5:28, 33; 1Tim 5:14; 1Peter 3:7.

Message of the Day: God has done everything to make our sojourn here beautiful, great, glorious and richly blessed in spite of its temporariness. Marriage is a union of foretaste of heaven. Sex, a God given exclusively ordained for marital life is a marvel that should command heart of praises unto God. We need to acknowledge God’s love, goodness, favour, power and riches unlimited reaching to man. Of this marital bliss say with the Psalmist: I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. Psalm 139:14

Marital life is a life to be lived with sense of responsibility. Sex as a topical affair in marriage must be carried with every sense of responsibility for its maximum benefits. Touch not a woman carnally, lustfully and sexually whom you have not exchanged marital vows with. Do the right things for right results that give no room for regrets even eternal regrets.

Sex is a pleasurable service unto one another. It is mutual rendering of due benevolence to profitable ends. Defraud not one another save for mutual consent of spiritual life of fasting and prayer. There may be other critical matters like health or some other things. However mutuality of consent must be reverenced.

We then come to the matter of procreation as planned result of sex. Adam knew his wife the result was children in marriage. Young couples and even others desiring children in marriage may need knowledge of circles of fertility in women. This is also good for spacing of children. Ovulation periods or cycle with its symptoms will be a good update in marriage. A young couple discovered that five months into marriage there was no conception. Then the father of the groom visited to pass one or two nights on a friendly or paternal visit. He told the man to watch cycles and suspend sex for few days after crossing ovulation and more importantly avoids rigorous or rough sex for such does terminate conception. They followed this advice and they did not miss the month for successful conception that leads to the birth of their first baby. The same advice was followed for their subsequent issues and it works. The amazing thing was that they shared this idea with other young couples and it works for them. Study cycles and do responsible sex that establishes and sustains conception. Sex is responsibility even with all the pleasures it carries. You will be the happier for it and even a blessing to others accordingly.

So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself. Ephesians 5:28. Sex is for love in marriage.

From You to God: Lord, keep me that my life will never be a violation of sexual life in Jesus name.

Application: Ever focused on Christ to ever please God in all matters.

Foot Note: Sex is a gift of God exclusive to marital life.


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