

WOMEN ARE GREAT Message of the Day: My best men are women says a man of God. As we humbly study the scriptures, we see encouraging roles played by women. They are great partners in progress. They are a people that must not be set aside in things of God. Women are great because they are the handmaid of the great God to accomplish greatly for Him. What is more, in Christ we that are no people become the people of God. For in Christ: There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:28. Women are great. Jesus Christ is not only born of a woman, but He was the seed of woman. It is the seed of woman that bruises the head of the serpent. At the name of Jesus every knee must bow. We have a name above all names even the name that makes it possible for us to give no room to Satan. We must not be surprise that women are playing great roles in the service of our Master. Who is doing more in His service, men or women? Don’t worry when we get to heaven we will know who has done more. What is more, there is no male or female in heaven all are like the angels. Let us move past discrimination and say thy will be done on earth as it is done in heaven. Women are great. Without Rahab, her father, mother, sisters and brothers would have perished with the accursed Jericho. This bold woman became heroine of faith. The first recorded angelic visit in the Bible was to a woman. At a critical time when his nation needed him, General Barak would not go to war without a woman accompanying him to the war. Women are great. Deborah voluntarily consented to go to war with Barak. The badge of honour of victory of that war finally went to a woman. In the final trip to Jerusalem, women went with Jesus from Galilee. They were there at the final moment even as Jesus bled and died on the cross. Women are great. Very early on the first day of the week, women were there at the sepulchre of Jesus. The angel that rolled away the stone was still there. The angel told them Jesus is alive. The resurrected Jesus appeared first to Mary Magdalene. Mary went and told the Apostles where in fear they locked themselves up mourning and weeping. She told the good news to these Apostles yet they did not believe. Thank God for the ministry of women. From You To God: Our heavenly Father, lead us that both genders shall be powerfully effective for you in Jesus name. Application: Take time to read the message of this day. Footnote: At Pentecost, women were among the one hundred and twenty baptized and filled with the Holy Ghost. Opening Verse: And many women were there beholding afar off, which followed Jesus from Galilee, ministering unto him: Matthew 27:55 Bible Text: Mark 16:1-11 More Texts: Gen 3:15, 16:8-13; Josh 2:12-14; Judg 4:8-9, 9:50-53, 13:22-24; Ruth 1:16-18, 2:12; 1Sam 2:1-2; 2Sam 11:21, 20:16-22; Esth 4:16; Matt 26:7, 27:56; Jn 12:3; Acts 1:13-14, 16:14; Rom 16:1-4; 1Corint 11:12 2Tim 1:5; Heb 11:31 From House of Treasure Devotional March 8, 2023 Click the link below to download House of Treasure 2023 for free 2023 House of Treasures Devotional For Free Download House of Treasure – HOT Devotionally will make you to hot for the devil to touch. It will too loaded to fail.

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