



When God intervenes dramatic, changes take place.
When God intervenes situations change for good.
When God intervenes minus level is lifted to plus level.
When God intervenes, He brings to be from nothing.
When God intervenes things come alive.
When God intervenes, the impossible become possible.
When God intervenes abundant, goodness emerges.
When God intervenes satanic power and presence melts away.
When God intervenes, darkness is turned to light.
When God intervenes creative power flows.
When God intervenes, sadness gives way to joy.
When God intervenes rough roads become smooth.
When God intervenes, the worst scenario becomes the best scenario.
When God intervenes bitterness gives way to sweetness.
The earth was in a great mess of the worst scenario imaginable, before God’s intervention. The Bible recorded that the earth was without form. In other words, it had no shape to attract or admire. It was a lifeless mass. The earth was void. Yes, it was completely empty of beauty, greenery, landmass, and all that was good. There was no meaningful thing to see on earth then. The entire globe was covered with water. As if all these were not enough, darkness covered the planet earth. There was no moon, no stars, and no sun, yes the beautiful blue sky was not in place. No bird to sing, animal kingdom did not exist and no man to till and beautify the ground. It was all a stillness of death. The state of the earth then can best be described as chaotic.
Then God intervened; the Spirit of God began to move on the face of the earth. Moreover, God declared, “Let there be light”. Instantly, light appeared and darkness vanished. God in his unlimited powers had stepped into the situation of the earth. That was God not man. God was working on the earth, turning the minus situation into a plus situation. Dramatic changes were taking place the earth was tasting Gods goodness Impossibilities began to give way to possibilities. Order was emerging from chaos; and the lucky earth began to bubble with life.
The blue-sky was created and land was commanded to be in place. Green grass, fruitful trees appeared on the earth. The sun and the moon were created out of noting. Waters brought forth living creatures including the gigantic whales. Land living creatures were created. And man the crown of creation was made in the image of God and in the likeness of God, having the breath of God.
Thus in six days of wonders hitherto unknown on earth, everything was created. God created and brought to be out of nothing. The Bible says, “And God saw everything that he had made, and behold it was very good” Gen.1: 31.
God visited the earth and divine intervention turned around everything for good.
Allow God to intervene in your life, let God steps into your situation and circumstances. He gave His Son Jesus Christ for your redemption from darkness, blindness, satanic dominion, sin and eternal hell.
You have run your life over the years in your own way. It is time to allow God in his love, power and concern to step in. Jesus Christ the Son of God is God’s love personified. He said ‘Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest’ Matt11: 28, ‘Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.’ Isaiah1: 18. ‘For God has not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Christ Jesus’ 1Thess5: 9.
Allow God’s intervention in your life. It is the time to ponder the way of your life and turn to the Lord through Jesus Christ. Acknowledge your sins and state, confess your sins, forsake your sins and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior “For as many as received him are given the power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name” Jhn1: 12, “That whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life” Jhn3: 15


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Christ peoples Assembly P.O. Box 984 Yaba Lagos.
32 Baale Street Iju, Ajuwon, Via Agege, Lagos.
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Tract reference No. 500\01\03
Mission President: Oluwatunbi S.O.

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