


Wednesday 24 February 2021


Opening Verse: The LORD recompense thy work, and a full reward be given thee of the LORD God of Israel, under whose wings thou art come to trust. Ruth 2:12

Bible Text: Ruth 2:4-12

More Texts: Ruth 1:8-9, 16; 4:11-12, 14-15; 1Sam 24:19; Psa 19:11; Prov 11:18; 23:18; Matt 5:12; 6:1; 10:41-42; Lk 6:35; 14:12-14; 2Tim 1:18; 2Tim 4:7-8; Heb 6:10; 11:6, 26

Message of the Day: We have sixty six books in the Bible and only two carry women names as title. Ruth was the first book in this order. The other one is Esther the queen. It is doubtful if anyone that heard the story of Ruth in Bethlehem Judah at that time who would not bless her. Distinguished in character, eminent in virtue, loving in disposition, enduring in spirit, hard working in hallmark, humble to the core and a fervent believer in the Lord God of Israel, upon whom she had cast her lots in entirety. Ruth was simply different. She staked her all on Christ. She did not waste her precious life but allowed the living God to take charge. We will do well to always allow Jesus to be in charge. Abundant grace to do so the Lord ministers to you in Jesus name.

Blessings were pronounced upon Ruth. The first came from Naomi as they departed Moab on their way back to Judah. At this time Orpah had not turned back. Naomi prayed for them: The Lord deal kindly with you as you have dealt kindly with the dead and with me. The Lord grant you that you may find rest each of you in the house of her husband.

The next blessing recorded was specifically for Ruth. By this time Naomi and Ruth had returned to Bethlehem. Ruth with the consent of Naomi had found a place to glean after reapers. By chance as the world may say she found herself gleaning at Boaz farm holding, but we know and we will say the Lord perfectly directed Ruth to Boaz farm. This was where her destiny took upward trend. Her sun began to rise never to go down again. Your sun will rise and never go down in Jesus name. The Lord used Boaz much in the life of Naomi and Ruth particularly in their early settlement in Judah and Ruth finally became the wife of Boaz a man of wealth and valour.

Before Boaz ever knew he will marry Ruth he made pronouncements of blessings upon her. He said: The LORD recompense thy work, and a full reward be given thee of the LORD God of Israel, under whose wings thou art come to trust. Ruth 2:12. This was a pronouncement heaven generously attended unto. The Lord indeed fully recompensed the works of Ruth. He was given full reward. Her faith in the faithful God paid superlative dividend. Praise God. At the marriage of Ruth and Boaz, blessings were released upon them. At the birth of their baby named Obed, blessings were released upon them. For Ruth it was blessings attended unto of heaven.

From You to God: Lord God, let your blessings reach me generously in Jesus name

Application: The Lord will reward your work keep at it for Christ. 

Foot Note: Eternal reward is sure in Christ.

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