


Monday 1 March 2021


Opening Verse: And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting. Mark 9:29

Bible Text: Mark 9:23-29

More Texts: 1King 17:20-22; 2King 4:33-34; Esther 4:16; Ezra 8:21-23; Dan 9:3; Matt 17:21; Act 9:40-41; 13:3; 14:23; 1Cor 9:27; 2Cor 6:5; 11:27; Eph 6:18; James 5:15

Message of the Day: Prayer and fasting are spiritual exercises that have record of results throughout the bible. The combination raises level of consecration, repentance, deepness, faith, solemnity and upward relationship. It touches man and attracts heaven. Prayer and fasting where hypocrisy is ruled out, where showmanship is not the goal and where it is made God centred will produce result of God. Men and women of God fasted. Fasting and praying in the faith of Christ turn out to be time of Holy Ghost interactions for spiritual break through.

Dedication to eating is eroding interest in praying and fasting. There is need today for call for a return to the Bible on prayer and fasting.

When Esther and her people faced tough situation she called for fasting and praying. Daniel sought God by fasting and praying. Then in the book of Joel we see call for prayers and fasting to bring revival and God’s mercy. Elijah forty days praying and fasting cannot be wiped out of our biblical heritage. Our Lord commenced His public ministry with forty days and nights of prayers and fasting. In a private chat with His disciples on why they failed to cast out a stubborn demon, the Lord said this kind goeth not out except by prayer and fasting. Men like Paul fasted often. The disciples of John fasted often. Anna the daughter of Phanuel departed not from the Temple but there served God with fastings and prayers. Thank God some churches have institutionalized fasting and prayers. Fasting must however not be over stretched to the breaking down of the health of the body. Long fasting must not be undertaken without its knowledge and rules. Fasting also must go with prayers not in isolation.

Fasting and prayers play major roles in revivals. Fasting and prayers have great impact in spiritual fortification to do exploits for God. The body must be made subject to the spirit, fasting and prayers help in this order. Pray and fast. Fast and pray. You are not veering from what is biblical rather you are promoting same.

Fasting is absence of food or delicacies for a defined time frame spelt by hours or in some cases days. It is advisable to use water when it is going beyond forty eight hours. And fasting should not be broken with heavy food. And when it goes beyond forty hours, learn the rules of breaking which include soft or largely watery food for fifty percent of the days of fasting.

The word of our Lord is leading us to higher spirituality of more effectiveness in doing exploits for God either individually or corporately.  And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting. Mark 9:29.  

From You to God: My God, grow me in the spiritual life of doing exploits for thee in Jesus name.

Application: Build yourself in this our most holy faith.        

Foot Note: Prayer and fasting is powerful backup to fruitful spiritual life.

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