


Tuesday 2 March 2021


Opening Verse: But to the Saints that are in the earth, and to the excellent, in whom is all my delight. Psalm 16:3

Bible Text: Psalm 16:1-11

More Texts: 1Sam 2:9; 2Chron 6:41; Ps 30:4, 37:28, 52:9, 89:5, 116:15, 132:9,16, 145:10, 149:1,5,9; Prov 2:8; Daniel 7:18,27; Act 9:13; Rom 16:2,15; Eph 1:1; Phil 4:21

Message of the Day: Psalm sixteen is sweet a write up that one will love to read again and again. It contains prayers and words of encouragement to the children of God. It is very rich in what should be the confession and experience of them that follow the Lord. The Psalm tells us much about God and the blessings of relating with Him. It did not fail to tell us the dangers inherent in following false gods. It is in this great Psalm of great things that we come across the term Saints on earth. If anyone is in doubt, here is a confirmation that there are Saints on earth. In life here and hereafter, these Saints are precious and special before God. They are all the delight of God. They are the godly on earth.  As for the godly (the Saints) who are in the land, they are the excellent, the noble, and the glorious, in whom is all my delight. Psalm 16:3.AMP

What are the identities of these special people in heaven and on earth? Yes, Saints are on earth and the joy today is that you can be one and God specifically wants you to be one. The Saints are the children of God in Christ. The Saints are the redeemed of the Lord. They are precious purchased by the precious blood of Jesus and made citizens of heaven dwelling temporarily on earth. There is no reason why you can not be one and even confess that you are one.

Most of the time, the Bible refers to Saints, you find out that invariably the reference are in respect of Saints on earth. Of course there are Saints triumphant who had slept on earth to be with Christ in His glory at the glorious place.

The book of the Psalms is a book that contains the most references on Saints. The words joy, gladness, rejoicing, singing and praises generously feature in their mentioning. Joy in the Lord always is a sign of being a Saint. They are privileged to praise God as a normal way of life. They can sing aloud on their bed. They have the honour to execute judgment written, this is ministry of binding and losing. To execute vengeance upon the heathen, and punishments upon the people; To bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron; To execute upon them the judgment written: this honour have all His Saints. Praise ye the LORD. Psalm 149:7-9.

Paul routinely refers to children of God as Saints. And that is what we are in Christ. The blessings and benefits are tremendous. The Lord revealed to Daniel that the Saints shall take the Kingdom for everlasting possession. But the Saints of the Most High shall take the kingdom, and possess the kingdom for ever, even for ever and ever. Daniel 7:18

From You to God: It is a privilege to be a Saint, heavenly Father, make me a sure one in Jesus name.

Application: Confess that you are a Saint in Jesus name.    

Foot Note: The children of God in Christ are Saints and they must live accordingly.

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