


Thursday 4 March 2021


Opening Verse: And the LORD came, and stood, and called as at other times, Samuel, Samuel. Then Samuel answered, Speak; for thy servant heareth. 1Samuel 3:10

Bible Text: 1Samuel 3:1-10

More Texts: Gen 24:28; 1Sam 1:11, 27-28; 2:11-12, 19-20; Ps 66:19; 99:6; 116:1-5; 118:5; Act 9:4; 1Cor 12:6-11, 28; Gal 1:15-16; 2Tim 3:15; 1John 5:15

Message of the Day: It was time for change of leadership in Shiloh the then tabernacle of God residency. God is a Master planner. Nothing can take Him by surprise. Hannah’s womb bore the next priest of Israel. Hannah was faithful in fulfilling her pledge to lend the product of her prayers unto the Lord. Samuel was handed unto the Lord after the weaning exercise. He was there sleeping by the Ark of the Lord. How great is the plan of God? What we count as problem God is able to turn same into plan to serve His purpose and our blessings powerfully. God gave Hannah Samuel and Hannah in return gave God Samuel. She did not renege on her pledge. That is an immediate lesson for us.

Why was there need for change of leadership in Shiloh? Eli was advanced in age. His two sons who could have stepped smoothly into his shoes were described as children of Belial. They were desecrating the tabernacle of God and sleeping with women who came to the house of God. Samuel was the next leader and priest. He started his pupillage right in the house of God. In those days the word of God was scarce. There were no open visions. Let us know hunger for the word, for the hunger for the word will one day take over the land in Jesus name.

Shiloh laid prostrate in sin as the sons of Eli led in the sinning spree. How shall they hear from God when they turned their back to the Lord? What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein? Romans 6:1-2.

The child Samuel was in Shiloh. God brought him there to turn around the situation for good. The Lord use us to turn around situation for good in the land in Jesus name. He was lying in the temple. There was already light out. His master Eli was also already in his place of sleep. Then the innocent child Samuel heard a voice call of his name! Such call could only come from his master he reasoned. The obedient Samuel rose and went to his master Eli. Save for consistent knocking even a friend at mid-night will not rise from sleep just like that. Samuel repeated the rising and going to his master three times the voice kept calling. Then his master, the highly experienced old priest perceived this must be God calling the child Samuel. He gave him the most appropriate advise. When next you hear the voice, answer, speak on for thy servant heareth.

From You to God: O Lord God, give me consistent obedient heart to your word in Jesus name.  

Application: Maintain open hear and heart to the word of God.

Foot Note: Circumcision of the heart and ears will make the word to prosper.


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