


Opening Verse: House and riches are the inheritance of fathers: and a prudent wife is from the LORD. Proverbs 19:14

Bible Text: Proverbs 19:14-20

More Texts: Gen 2, 18, 24; 24:2, 7, 67; 28:1-4; Deut 24:5; Psa 128:3; Prov 3:6; 5:15-23; 12:4; 13:22; 14:1; 18:22; 21:9, 19; 277:15-16; 31:10-31; 1Cor 7:2; James 1:17

Message of the Day: James the servant of God and of Christ writing by the Holy Ghost said: Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. James 1:17. A prudent wife is from the Lord. She is a gift of God to make her great and wonderful impact on the union of marriage a very institution established by God for the benefit of man and humanity in general.

A prudent wife is the key to successful, profitable, beneficial and godly home. Are you married? Let us tell you how to make your wife the prudent wife that is a gift from on high. Pray your wife into becoming a prudent wife. Ask God to make her the wise woman that builds her house. Pray for her that she becomes a virtuous woman whose price is above rubies. Pray that the Spirit of God will operate through her to truly be a crown of glory in your life and affairs. Lift her daily to the presence of God until you celebrate her as a gift from on high. That is how God wants her to be.

Some married and felt they have no gift and some others felt they have a wrong gift or other person’s gift. We say that the fault may invariably be theirs or product of their carelessness if not godlessness. Many do not consider their slackness in prayers before passing their verdict on their spouse. Imagine a house without family devotion! Where then will come common food to live by? And man ought to live by every word of God. O Lord God, make our wives prudent wives that are gifts from God in Jesus name. There is no one the unchanging changer cannot change. Did not Paul describe himself as an injurious person? Yet with Christ he became a most beneficial creature of God on earth! Pray your wife into the prudent wife that is a confirmed gift from on high. See her as the blessed queen of your blessed home where blessed people are turned out.

God is in life changing business. That is why He sent His Son Jesus Christ to change the face of the world. Let us hear what the Spirit put through the pen of the man of God James: Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures. James 1:18.

Are you unmarried? Then you have the whole chance to specifically and consistently ask God to give you a prudent wife who will be a life time gift from above to your life.

From You to God: Lord God, make wives in the faith prudent wives that are gifts from on high in Jesus name.

Application: Are you a wife? Ask Him to make you a prudent wife from Him.

Foot Note: Only God the author of marriage can give or make to become a prudent wife. 

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