



Opening Verse: This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. Joshua 1:8  

Bible Text: Psalm 119:96-105    

More Texts: Deut 4:5; Job 23:10-12; Ps 1:2-3, 112:1-2, 119:11, 89, 162; Jer 1:12, 15:16, 23:29; Matt 5:17, 21:42; Lk 24:44; Jn 1:1-3, 6:63; Rom 1:2; 2Corint 3:14; Gal 3:17-25; 1Tim 4:15; 2Pet 1:20     

Message of the Day: The Bible is exceedingly and superlatively unique. Yet these descriptions, qualifications or adjectives fall short for the limitations of man’s knowledge and language. No book sells or reaches more people like the Bible. No book enjoys translations into languages of the world as the Bible. No book prospers in and covers many countries of the world as the Bible. No book has institutions dedicated to it like the Bible. The Bible is the darling of Authors; no book has been the origin of many other books like the Bible. In the days of Telegram, the longest telegram ever sent was the entire New Testament.

The Bible is a library of sixty-six sacred books and divine revelations. The word Bible derives its name from the Greek word Biblia meaning books. The books were written by about forty Authors in a span of one thousand-six hundred years. These Authors of various ages came from different levels, backgrounds and social rankings. Among them were Shepherds, Leaders of thoughts, statesmen, Kings, Historians, Jew, Gentiles, Fishermen, Plain People, Intelligentsia, Direct Disciples of Jesus, Physician, Elite, Peasant and more. The most amazing dimension to the matter is the unity of their message. It all crystallized to the singular program of God’s redemption and salvation plan for man. Throughout the sixty-six books, Jesus Christ of Nazareth stands out as God’s answer to all the human perplexities. This love of God personified opens the door into everlasting life for man. The unity of these books clearly showed they are of God and have the same origin and inspiration.

The books turned out to be one book rightly called The Holy Bible. It is the holy book from the holy God, through His holy men, leading to holy heaven, prepared for holy people washed in the blood. Praise ye the Lord!

The Bible is divided into Old Testaments with thirty-nine books and New Testaments with twenty-seven books. The Bible has 1,189 Chapters. It has 31,101 Verses. It has 783,133 Words. It has 3,566,480 Letters.

The Bible is the uniquely different book, making unique difference to generations of men and women through the unique Jesus Christ.

What do you do with the Bible? Meditate on these things. Give thy self wholly to them. Let it not depart from your mouth. Let it be practiced in your life. Your profiting shall be known to all men. For them thou shall make thy way prosperous and have good success.

From You to God: God the Holy Ghost, work in my life that thy word shall be my meditation all the day in Jesus name.

Application: The Bible will make you wiser than your enemies, of more understanding than your teachers and the ancient.                        

Footnote: Love the Bible.


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