



Opening Verse: And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. Matthew 24:14

Bible Text: Isaiah 9:1-7

More Texts: Ps 22:27, 37:37, 91:14-16; Isa 11:1-5; Hab 2:2-4; Zech 14:8; Mal 1:11; Matt 16:15, 24:12-13, 28:19; Mk 13:10; Lk 2:10, 24:47; Jn 3:14-18, 20:21, 31; Ac 1:8, 26:18-19; IJn 4:9-10; Rev 14:6

Message of the Day: Haggai Institute for Advanced Leadership Training is a most uniquely packaged organization, uniquely training credentialed influential indigenous Christian leaders, to uniquely evangelize their people and uniquely reproduce their kind hundredfold. The disciples soul produced are to reproduce other hundredfold and the timeless unique process continues unabated with the purpose of reaching all for Christ. Theirs is total commitment to end gospel poverty all around the world.

Dr. John Edmund Haggai, Founder and President returned home at age ninety six. He built for posterity. Haggai Institute is waxing stronger by the day even after the home call of the founder. Dr. Haggai was humble, practical and honest to the core, with greatly enduring spirit and highly focused personality. He was an author whose pen drips life. He was an highly impactful teacher. He was leader of leaders around the world. Haggai Institute has trained over one hundred and twenty thousand highly qualified leaders from one hundred and eighty nine countries of the world.

Reproduced below is the contribution of Rev Samuel Oluwatunbi, a participant at Haggai Institute 100 Session in Singapore to 2022 Haggai Institute 365 Insight Daily Devotional.


Job 9:2 I know it is so of a truth: but how should man be just with God?


Everything revealed that Job profoundly knew God. He asked a most critical or crucial question: but how should man be just with God? Job 9:2 KJV. This question faces everyone today. All righteousnesses of man are as filthy rags. All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. Know that the works of the law do not make man just with God.


But how shall a man be just with God? You can only be just with God by the faith of Jesus Christ. Believe in Christ and be justified by the faith of Jesus Christ. Gal 2:16, 3:24. In Christ, God says our iniquities and sins will He remember no more. Abraham believed God and it was counted to him for righteousness, says the Bible. In Christ, we are the seed of Abraham. The only begotten Son of God is the one that bear our iniquities. Be grounded and rooted in Him.

In Nigeria, there is a song that says, Jesus Christ, Lord our Lord, is the total Redeemer. Be just with God through Him.

PRAYER: The stage is now set for multilingual global broadcast of House of Treasures, the word loaded daily devotional for God’s peoples all around the world, written by me. Pray for the success of the outreach to nations of the world.

Samuel Oluwatunbi

Founder and President of Christ peoples Assembly, the Church with the world as her Parish.

Dr. Haggai Article titled: “Root of Haggai Institute” defined my Work Ethics, his impactful humility makes me justified in praying daily for humility and the Institute commitment to evangelism remains my reference.

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  1. Very insightful. More grace for greater heights in God's vineyard.

  2. This is highly commendable and appreciated. May God Almighty prosper the outreach for His glory and benefits of mankind. Amen
