






Opening Verse: Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints. Psalm 116:15  

Bible Text: Psalm 116:12-19

More Texts: Gen 49:33; Num 33:38; Ps 37:37, 72:14; Pr 14:32; Isa 57:1-2; Dan 12:2;  Lk 2:29, 16:19-22; Acts 7:60; Rom 14:8, Phil 1:21; 1Thess 3:1, 5:9-11; 2Tim 4:6-8; Heb 11:13, 21-22; 2Pet 1:14; Rev 1:5-6, 21:4-7

Message of the Day: Precious, valuable, priceless, treasurable, worth a great deal, much valued, of great importance, unique and exquisite in the sight of the all knowing, all wise and almighty God, the death (home call) of His saints. Notice the plurality of the words saints used in our Opening Verse. The saints of the Lord, the redeemed of the Lord, the servants of the Lord, those whom the blood of Jesus had made nigh unto God, those who had taken the cup of salvation, these are they who believed unto everlasting life in Christ, they are exceedingly precious unto God in life or death. These all subscribed to the word of the Holy Ghost: For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord's. Romans 14:8.

In the Lord Jesus Christ, we are free to say with Paul: For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. Philippians 1:21. Whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with Christ.

In the month of August, 2021, three saints exited this world for eternal home call to ever be with the Lord whom they have loved and served from their youth to old age. With their exit, heaven gains and earth loses. These great men are men of unquantifiable achievements in the vineyard of the most High. The threesome is in the bosom of the Lord in exhilarating joy. They are Architect Olubunmi Adedeji at 79, Rev. Dr. Wilson Adebogun Badejo at 74 and Pastor Architect Olasunkanmi Folorunsho Olaniyan at 73. The three had in Christ one great character in common. They were unusually humble. Their humility and their demeanor did not betray their litany of enviable achievements.

Architect Bunmi Adedeji exited this side of eternity within the first two hours of Saturday, August 7, 2021. Dr. Badejo took off on the same day. He was active to the last moment. Architect Olaniyan exited the seventh day of the duo. The threesome went to their eternal home country of their citizenship. Heaven gains and the earth loses. As these were received in glory singing alleluia, the heavenly language. Amen alleluia. Architect Bunmi Adedeji was my boss in Gideon Associates, Ibadan, where I had a brief stint. Lively, vivacious, unassuming and gracious with inclined joyfulness. One day, from Lagos I led Brother W.F Kumuyi (Deeper Life G.S) to visit Architect Adedeji in his Ibadan office. To my surprise they knew one another. They began to talk of their days in Christian youth activities in the sixties. The last time I met Architect Bunmi Adedeji was when we were both speakers at C.A.C Youth Convention.

Dr. Badejo was a man in his own class. I was the chairman when he launched his book as Agege Foursquare District Overseer. One day, he visited my office. He led me to his personal house which was then under construction. One experience I can never forget with Rev. Badejo was when he, the wife with myself led in the dedication of a magnificent house built by a friend. I was surprised as he led us from room to room and facility to facility of this multiroom complex and we stopped to pray at each place in turn. I retained this experience as a practical way to dedicate any building.

Architect Kanmi Olaniyan was a senior contemporary to me in the school of architecture, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. Brother Kanmi as we fondly called him was the son of a Chief Imam. He was the Ladani of the student body Mosque at a Government Secondary School. In the absence of the Mosque Imam that comes from the town, Brother Kanmi was leading worship in the mosque on this faithful day when the Lord Jesus manifested to him. Brother Kanmi became a resoundingly born again Christian never to look back again. Years later, while in Zaria, when he wrote his testimony in a Christian magazine, attempt was made to kill him. Mercilessly did they beat him. Like other Saints before him, he was waxing stronger in the faith. He understood Christianity. Only heaven knows the sacrifice of his total commitment to the fortune of the gospel. He was on the front of the fiery line of the gospel works. He gave time, money and service for the Lord’s work.

We got close in the latter years to his exit. He was there with me in the village at my dad’s home going. He arranged for the Pallbearers that led the casket in a triumphant entry to my village. He was the one that arranged for security in one of the harvest seasons of my late dad’s Cashew Farm. He personally toured the Cashew Farm and interacted with my siblings. He told me the tour took him forty five minutes. He told me it was a worthy farm for attention. Again and again we talked and prayed on phone. We did have occasions of prolonged talk. Many times he expressed his concern and fear of on the state of persecutions and oppressions of the body of Christ in Nigeria. We had good times of prayer on phone. He had visited me in Lagos on a number of occasions. Of late, he told me he will be visiting me for a stay of fellowship. In our final discussion on phone, we were talking of heaven. Brother Kanmi I missed you greatly. I am holding back tears as I remember your personality in the faith of Jesus Christ. We shall meet to part no more.

The threesome Adedeji, Badejo and Olaniyan had fought a good fight, they had kept the faith and they had finished their course, their crown of righteousness is sure. To God be the glory.

From You to God: My God, let me finish well with the crown of righteousness waiting for me in Jesus name.

Application: More than ever before be determine to reach the kingdom of Christ.

Footnote: He that overcometh shall inherit all things.





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