



Opening Verse: Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might... Ecclesiastes 9:10

Bible Text: Ecclesiastes 11:1-6

More Texts: Num 13:30; 1Chro 22:19; 28:20; 29:11-12; 2Chro 31:20-21; Ezra 6:14; Ne 2:8; 4:6; Psa 44:1 71:15-18; Jer 29:13; Matt 6:33; Mk 6:31; John 4:34; Rom 12:11; 1Cor 15:10; 9:24,26; Eph 5:16; Col 3:23.

Message of the Day: The Mission President of Christ Peoples Assembly wrote: I graduated from the University with a Prize For The Best All Round Student.

I was a farmer's kid. One day, towards my final years in Primary School, I trekked the ten kilometre route to reach our farm. Uppermost on my mind that day was what I considered good news to tell my Dad. It was in my opinion a high academic feat I had reached in the School. I had with me my Term's School Report Card. When I reached the farm, I couldn't wait in the farm house for the arrival of my dad. But enthusiastically went straight to one of our farm holdings where he was busy weeding. I proudly announced to him that I came second in the Term's examination result. I stood there awaiting a pat on the back and resounding accolades. Surprisingly and disturbingly, what I got was the opposite.

My Dad was not impressed with second position. He did not see any reason on earth why I should not come first. As far as he was concerned, the person who came first was also a fellow human being. With air of finality, he told me, “It cannot be an angel that came first”.

I got the message that I too could and should have come first. I caught the vision. This is the vision and message I want to pass to you today, “It cannot be an angel that comes first”. You too can make it to the top.

You can come first. The Almighty God has packaged in you great resources to make you perform excellently in academics and life, and that in excelling dimensions. You have the wisdom and strength to excel. Make it your goal today to lead your class. Determine with the will of steel and iron constitution to make it. Set your face to your target like a flint without the option of turning back. Defeat is certainly not an option!

Develop the zeal and enthusiasm to make it. No one has the right to succeed than you do. No one is more qualified than you to be celebrated as the champion. Today, awake the giant in you and put him to work. Give no recognition to obstacles until you reach the top.

To pilot you to the top, adopt the strategy today, “Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might’’. Say, from this day I reject mediocre performances in life, O Lord my God send help from the sanctuary in Jesus name.


From You to God: Gracious God, fulfil your word to make me head and not tail in Jesus name.

Application: Seek to be the best of what you are.

Foot Note: The life of the reconciled unto God must show forth the praise of His glorious glory.

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  1. What a great way to encourage an individual! Thank you sir for waking up the giant in us.
