


Opening Verse: Therefore Sarah laughed within herself, saying, After I am waxed old shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also? Genesis 18:12

Bible Text: Genesis 18:9-12

More Texts: Gen 2:24-25; 24:58-59, 67; 39:9; Prov 5:18-19; 12:4; 18:22; 31:10; Jer 29:6; Mal 2:14-18; Matt 19:5; Mark 10:6-12; 1Cor 6:18; 7:2-5, 9, 39; Eph 5:28; 1Tim 3:12; 5:14; Heb 13:4

Message of the Day: Sex is the preserve of marital life and between the lawfully married. Sex outside marriage and outside them that had exchanged marital vows is unlawful and contrary to God’s purpose. Fornicators and adulterers God shall judge. No fornicator or adulterer shall inherit the Kingdom of God. Immorality had no place in the agenda of God. Sex outside marriage and outside married partners is submission to bestial life. The nature of dogs must not be carried into sexual life. Sex is strictly for the married who had exchanged marital vows.

Sex is sacred. It is beautiful. It is highly pleasurable. It is of God. It must not be abused or misused. It is a pleasure of depth spanning the married life. It is pleasure of precedence to procreation. Immediately Sarah was told of impending fruit of the womb, she knew that sex as pleasure would be involved. Even in old age Sarah was conscious of the good and great pleasure sex in marriage carries. Sarah laughed as the encounter reminded her of deepness of interaction with her long time husband. Therefore Sarah laughed within herself, saying, After I am waxed old shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also? Genesis 18:12

Let mortals know that sex involves the soul, the spirit and the body and must not be abused. Abuse of this God ordained and formulated unparalleled pleasure is a sin against self. It is time for all involved in illegal sex to repent. And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men everywhere to repent: Acts 17:30

Sex is part of the sweetness of marriage. The Bible endorsed marriage as one means to avoid fornication. Sex brings into one flesh in marriage. It is an interaction that removes shame of nakedness. Only the shameless would get into it outside marriage. Sex is due benevolence in marriage. It is God’s gift before the gift of the fruit of the womb, it is gift to one another in marriage. Timing is important and is mutually and understandably promoted as pertains to sex in marriage. One because of spiritual commitment and the timing related to circles of fertility or ovulation particularly when couples are set to have children. Ovulation circle should be known and sex should be approached with duty of care to retain early conception lest there be avoidable repeated abortions that rough or rigorous sex can occasion in some women expecting fruit of the womb. See sex in Marriage 2.

Sex in marriage promotes love, affection, deepness as it become clear to both that you are relating to one another as you cannot relate to any outside the sacred institution of marriage. Consider this biblical advice in lawful marriage: Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe; let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; and be thou ravished always with her love. Proverbs 5:19.

From You to God: O Lord my God, let sex outside marriage be never mentioned of me in Jesus name.

Application: Sex is rough, wrong, dirty, ungodly and leadeth to hell outside marriage.

Foot Note: Marriage bed is too sacred to be defiled.


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