



Opening Verse: Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went into his house; and his windows being open in his chamber toward Jerusalem, he kneeled upon his knees three times a day, and prayed, and gave thanks before his God, as he did aforetime. Daniel 6:10

Bible Text: Daniel 6:7-10

More Texts: Gen 45:8; Ruth 1:16; 1Sam 1:9-18; Job 23:10; Psa 33:11; 40:5; Isa 40:28-31; 46:10; 55:8-10; Jer 29:11; Matt 1:21; Act 7:22; 8:1-8; Rom 8:28; Rev 1:9-10

Message of the Day: Difficulties are stepping stones into higher life of fulfilment. We need to understand that what we call crisis, problems, issues, and unfavourable circumstances should be treated and perceived as stepping stones to greater achievements. Many of them are messengers to fulfil God’s greater purpose. Someone said tough times do not last but tough people do. Without battles there can be no testimony of victories. When we finally see God we shall be eternally grateful that He allowed us pass through some experiences we counted as unpleasant. All things work together for good is divine declaration that must not be waved aside. God said to Israel at the time they were going to seventy years of exile, For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Jeremiah 29:11

Severe persecutions arose against the brethren in Jerusalem and they were all scattered. It was crisis time. It turned out that this was one singular event that made the spread of the gospel very fast as scattered brethren went every where preaching the word. Understand crisis as stepping stone to higher level.

When the three youths in the book of Daniel were cast into fire what a peak of crisis time. Yet it turned out to be God’s plan for heathen king and his people to know there is a living God that saves.

Then came the conspiracy against Daniel and the emerged sentence to throw him in the den of lion. The decree did not stop Daniel from his regular prayer time. He had intimacy with God, a ground we must also defend uncompromisingly. His three time a day prayers with open window towards Jerusalem could not be stopped. Nothing must halt your increasing fellowship with Jesus. Daniel won. Lions were helpless against him. Maintain your walk with God, promote same in ever increasing proportions and watch difficulties becoming stepping stone into higher level of greatness. You are a candidate for testimonies when difficulties or crisis loom or become a reality. Did not Joseph gave great testimony at the end of the day? He said to his greatly amazed brothers: So now it was not you that sent me hither, but God: and he hath made me a father to Pharaoh, and lord of all his house, and a ruler throughout all the land of Egypt. Genesis 45:8. Crisis are stepping stones to higher level.

From You to God: Faithful God, turn every difficulty in my life into stepping stones to higher level in life in Jesus name.

Application: Let your walk with God be sure and steady and watch problems becoming plans for higher achievements.         

Foot Note: Put crisis in the right perspective, they will serve the purpose of God for promotions.

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