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The covenant-keeping God is mightily at work in the kingdom of men. From Genesis chapter one to the story of the tower of Babel, we have what we can call the dateless past. Less than eleven chapters tell this story including the creation of man. Then came the story of Abraham before the end of chapter eleven of Genesis. From this to the end of the Bible, Abraham and his seed took the center stage. This can only be by divine origination and plan. God told Abraham at his call that in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed. We read this of Abraham upon getting into the land of Canaan: And the LORD appeared unto Abram, and said, Unto thy seed will I give this land: and there builded he an altar unto the LORD, who appeared unto him. Genesis 12:7

The nation of Israel’s giant strides goes beyond human explanation. So also their sufferings. Indeed, the heathen world raged against them. But Israel is still standing. Empires rose and fell. But Israel cannot be swallowed. The covenant of God is working upon Israel.

God is faithful to His promises. His counsel is immutable. The unfaithfulness of man brings suffering galore. Israel went through it all. The immediate lesson is a call to both gentiles and Jews to make God first.

Yahu’s address continued from yesterday: Israel has sent its own satellites into space! Three satellites at the same time! We are proud to be at the same rank as: The United States, which has 250 million inhabitants, Russia, which has 200 million inhabitants, China, which has 1.3 billion inhabitants; Europeans - France, Great Britain, Germany - with 350 million inhabitants. The only countries in the world to send objects into space! And say that only 60 years ago, we were led, ashamed and hopeless, to slaughter! We have experienced the smoking ruins of Europe, we have won our wars here in Israel with less than nothing, we built our little "Empire" from nothing. Who's Hamas to scare me? To terrify me? You make me laugh! Passover was celebrated.

Let's not forget what Passover is: we survived Pharaoh, we survived the Greeks, we survived the Romans, we survived the inquisition in Spain, we have the pogroms in Russia, we survived Hitler, we survived the Germans, we survived the Holocaust, we survived the armies of seven Arab countries, we survived Saddam and we will survive the enemies present.

Think of any time in human history. Think about it, for us, the Jewish people, the situation has never been better!

To be continued.

From You to God: Lord God, make me a blessing to my generation in Jesus name. 

Application: Take a study on Abraham.

Footnote: How glorious it will be if God's people will fulfill their side of the covenant!



Opening Verse: Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee: Genesis 12:1 Bible Text: Genesis 12:1-8 More Texts: Gen 11:31-32; 13:16; 15:5, 7; 17:5-6; 18:18; 22:17-18; 24:35; Exo 1:7; Josh 1:3-6; 24:1-3; Neh 9:7; Isa 11:10-12; 45:24; 51:2; 54:3-17; Eze 33:24-29; Matt 2:6; Act 7:2-6; Heb 11:8

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