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Benjamin Netanyahu, the longest-reigning prime minister of Israel, spoke about Israel’s invincibility. Israel’s invincibility, miraculous preservation down through the ages and their ingenuity. The God of the Hebrews spoke at a time that all that are incensed against Israel shall be ashamed. Israel, seed of Abraham, the Hebrews of the Bible, people of God's covenant and a nation that produced the world’s Messiah needs be made known, even more to the global community. The fortunes of Israel are intricately linked with affairs of our world.

The Bible says much on the heritage of the seeds of Abraham. Through the Messiah, we are the beneficiaries of this great heritage, some of which are highlighted in our text of today. One of these heritages is no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper. No tongue against us shall have the last laugh. Netanyahu’s address has convincing submission along the line of this heritage. We reproduce below His address which shall be run in three parts by reason of space and the need for brief comment. Read with discernment the entire speech of Netanyahu, and be strengthened in your faith in the word of God. Assure your heart that the word of God works and is sure from generation to generation.

Mr. Netanyahu said: Only 70 years ago! The Jews were taken to slaughter like sheep. 60 years ago! No country. No Army.

Seven Arab countries declared war on the small Jewish state, only a few hours after its creation!

We were 650,000 Jews against the many millions in the Arab world! There was no strong IDF (Israel Defense Forces). No powerful air force to save us but only brave Jewish people with nowhere else to go. Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt, Libya, Saudi Arabia all attacked at the same time. The country that the United Nations gave us was a 65 % desert. 35 years ago! We fought the three most powerful armies in the middle east, and we swept them in six days. We fought against various coalitions of Arab countries, which had modern armies and many Soviet weapons, and we have always beaten them! Today we have: a State (Country), an Army, a Powerful Air Force.

A State-of-the-Art Economy with exports worth billions of dollars. Intel - Microsoft - ibm & many high-tech companies develop cutting-edge products in Israel. Our doctors receive awards for medical research. We make the desert bloom, and sell oranges, flowers and vegetables all over the world… To be continued

From You to God: God of the Holy Bible, frustrate every weapon formed against me in Jesus name.

Application: God is your all sufficiency in the entire arena of the world.

Footnote: The nation of Israel’s invincibility today is a demonstration of God's faithfulness

See House of Treasures Thursday, 15 December 2022 HERITAGE OF THE SERVANTS OF THE LORD

Opening Verse: No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD. Isaiah 54:17

Bible Text: Isaiah 54:6-17 More Texts: Psa 2:1-6; 32:6; 61:5; 71:19; Isa 45:24; 50:8; 61:10; Jer 23:6; Dan 3:26; 6:20-22; Zech 3:1-4; Matt 16:18; John 10:28-30; Rom 6:22-23; 8:1, 28-29; 1Cor 1:30; 2Cor 5:21; Col 3:10-11; Rev 12:10

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Benjamin Netanyahu - Israeli Prime Minister Address

Benjamin Netanyahu - Israeli Prime Minister Address Contd.

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