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We want to say to Israel that one thing is needful: come and follow Jesus. One thing thou lackest is to recognise Jesus as the Messiah. With this, you will be a blessing to the world in astronomical dimension than you have ever been in history. You lose nothing by coming to Jesus, but you gain everything including everlasting life. Much of what Israel went through had to do with not keeping their side of the contract with God. We celebrate your success of invincibility in accordance with God's covenant with Abraham. With Jesus, you are reconciled to God and become powerfully anointed to spread the love of God around the world.

The church of God today should identify themselves with what Paul said: Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they might be saved. For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge. Romans 10:1-2. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth. Romans 10:4

With Christ, Israel will have the best to offer the world. Israel’s reconciliation with God will bring life unto the world. See Romans 11:16.

Yahu’s address continues from yesterday: Then let's face the world, let us remember: all nations, empires or cultures, who once tried to destroy us, no longer exist today - while we still live! Egypt? Babylon? The Greeks? Alexander of Macedonia? The Romans? (does anyone still speak Latin these days?). The Third Reich? And look at us, the slaves of Egypt, The People of Moses, The Nation of the Bible, we are still here, and Hebrew is still the official language of the State of Israel today: From the time of the Bible and now! Arabs don't know yet, but they will learn that there is a God. As long as we keep our identity, we are forever. So forgive us for not worrying, not to cry, not to be afraid. Things are fine here. They could certainly get better.

However: Don't believe the media, they don't tell you a lot of good things about Israel. Celebrations continue to take place in Israel, people continue to live, people keep coming out, people continue to see friends. Some claim our morale is low. So what? Only because we mourn our deaths while our enemies rejoice in the blood shed & war. That is why we will win, in the end. The God of Israel created the Heavens and the Earth. The Guardian of Israel never slumbers or sleeps! The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Glory belongs to God!

From You to God: God of the Hebrews, we earnestly pray for the speedy salvation of the nation of Israel in Jesus name.

Application: Strive together to pray for the redemption of Israel.

Footnote: The global body of Christ must pray afresh for Israel for the manifestation of their total salvation promised. See Romans 11:26.




Opening Verse: Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved. Romans 10:1

Bible Text: Romans 10:1-12 More Texts: Prov 19:2; Isa 53:9-11; 62:1-5; Dan 9:4-11, 16-17; Luke 13:34; 19:41-44; Act 21:20; 22:2-6; 26:9-11; Rom 1:17; 3:22-23; 8:3-4; 5:19; 9:1-5, 7, 31-32; 10:11-13; 11:1; 2Cor 4:4

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